

单词 trust
trust 1 ★★★
1  U  a feeling of confidence in someone that shows you believe they are honest , fair , and reliable 信任;信赖

Trust is an important issue between teenagers and their parents. 信任是青少年和父母之间的一个重要问题。

+in public trust in police officers 公众对警务人员的信任

put/place (your) trust in sb/sth Sumner placed considerable trust in his lawyer. 萨默纳相当信任自己的律师。

abuse/betray sb’ s trust (=treat someone badly or dishonestly, although they trusted you) Jen had confided her secret to Mark, but he betrayed her trust. 滥用/辜负某人的信任

1a confidence that something is safe , reliable , or effective 信心

You have to be able to have trust in your backup system. 你要对自己的备用系统有信心。

2  U  legal   an arrangement in which a person or an organization manages someone else’ s money or property 托管;代管;信托

hold/place sth in trust The land will be held in trust by the Church. 这块地将由教会代管。

2a  C  money or property that someone manages for a person or an organization according to a legal arrangement 代管的财物;托管的财物
2b  C  an organization that manages money or property so that it can help other people or organizations 财产托管机构

the Jamaica National Heritage Trust 牙买加国有遗产托管组织

a charitable trust 慈善基金机构

3  U  a situation in which someone is made responsible for another person or thing 负责;照看;照管

put sb/sth in the trust of sb She put her children in the trust of strangers. 她把自己的孩子托付给陌生人照看。

a position of trust (=a job in which you have a lot of responsibility and power) I don’ t think a teenager can be expected to hold such a position of trust. 要职

4  C  MAINLY AMERICAN  a group of people or companies that work together to illegally control prices and limit competition in an industry 托拉斯(指为非法操纵价格及限制行业竞争而进行合作的群体或公司)
-   take sth on trust
to believe that something you have heard or read is true , although there is no proof

You’ ll just have to take these figures on trust. 你只要相信这些数据就行了。

  Words frequently used with trust
  trust 的常见搭配词
  adjectives   complete, implicit, mutual, total,
  verbs   build, earn, establish, gain, lose, win,




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