

单词 take
take 1 ★★★
1  T  to move something or someone from one place to another 带,搬,拿,取(走)

Don’ t forget to take an extra pair of shoes. 别忘了多带一双鞋。

Remember to take a pen with you. 记得带支笔。

What time do you take Amy to school? 你几点钟送埃米上学?

We took the plants into the greenhouse. 我们把这些植物移入了温室。

The cat had to be taken to the vet. 得带猫去看兽医。

Our guide took us around the cathedral. 我们的导游带我们参观了大教堂。

take sb/sth along (=with you) On long journeys I always take my dog along. 带上某人/某物

take sb/sth for sth We took my mother for a drive in the country. 我们开车带母亲到乡下去兜风。

take sb/sth to do sth We took him to catch his train. 我们带他去赶火车。

take sb sth Take Debbie this cup of coffee, will you? 把这杯咖啡给戴比端过去,好吗?

take sth to sb Let’ s take the presents to them tonight. 我们今晚把礼物带给他们吧。

2  T  take sb into/out of/up/through etc sth to cause someone to move somewhere 使(某人)到;把(某人)带往

My old job took me into the city a lot. 过去由于工作原因我经常进城。

The steps took us up to a cave in the cliff. 拾级而上,我们来到了悬崖上的一处洞穴。

The journey will take you through some beautiful scenery. 该旅程将带你领略一些漂亮的风景。

2a to cause someone or something to be in a new position or condition 使…获得新地位;使…情况不同

Her amazing energy has taken her to the top of her profession. 旺盛的精力使她成为同行中的佼佼者。

acts that took the country into war 将国家卷入战争的行为

take sb to court They’ ll take us to court if we don’ t pay up soon. 要是我们不马上付清债款,他们就要控告我们。

take sb hostage/prisoner Bank robbers took the manager hostage overnight. 银行抢劫犯把经理作为人质扣了一夜。

3  T  to perform a particular action or series of actions 做(某个或一系列的动作)

Take a deep breath. 深呼吸。

Tom took a sip of his drink. 汤姆呷了一口饮料。

I took a quick look at the audience. 我迅速地看了观众一眼。

Let’ s take a walk down to the river. 我们散步到河边吧。

take action/steps/measures The government must take action to stop this trade. 政府必须采取行动制止这种交易。

take exercise You need to take more exercise. 你需要更多的锻炼。

4  T  to need something 需要

Your odd behaviour is going to take a bit of explaining. 你需要解释一下你的怪异行为。

take some doing (=be very difficult to do) It’ s going to take some doing to persuade them! 很难做

4a to need a particular thing in order for something to happen (为使某事发生而)需要

Admitting what she had done took a lot of courage. 承认她自己的所作所为需要很大的勇气。

take sth to do/be sth It takes talent and dedication to become a top dancer. 要有天分和奉献精神才能成为一流的舞蹈家。

It doesn’ t take much to start her crying. 她很容易就会哭起来。

have what it takes (=have the qualities that are necessary) Do you have what it takes to be a teacher? 够格

4b to need a particular amount of time to happen or to do something 需要花费(一定时间)

It’ ll take a while to sort this out. 得需要一段时间才能把这问题处理完。

Our meeting took much longer than I expected. 开会的时间比我原先预计的要长得多。

take sb ten minutes/two hours etc The journey should take us about three days. 这次旅程将花费我们大约3天时间。

5  T  to accept something that someone offers you 接受;接纳

I’ ve decided not to take the job. 我已决定不接受那份工作。

Sorry, we don’ t take credit cards. 对不起,我们不接受信用卡。

take (sb’ s) advice She won’ t take my advice. 她不会采纳我的建议。

take it or leave it (=the offer will not change) That’ s my final price, take it or leave it. 接不接受随你的便

5a to accept an unpleasant situation or unpleasant treatment without complaining (无怨言地)忍受,容忍

Please stop! I can’ t take it any more. 停下来!我再也受不了了。

In this job you have to be able to take criticism. 做这个工作你要能忍受批评。

take sth lying down (=accept something without any protest) I’ m not going to take defeat lying down. 心甘情愿地接受

5b to accept an explanation or something someone says without discussing it or arguing about it (未经讨论或争论就)接受(解释等)

take sb’ s word for it (=believe what someone tells you) You don’ t have to take my word for it – ask anyone. 相信某人说的话

take it from sb (=believe them) That’ s the truth, take it from me. 相信某人

6  T  to win a prize in a competition or a vote in an election 赢得(奖项或选票)

Gladiator took the Oscar for best film. 《角斗士》获得了奥斯卡最佳影片奖。

Who took the silver medal? 谁得了银牌?

The Labour Party took 45 per cent of the votes. 工党赢得了45%的选票。

7  T  to reach out and get something , especially with your hand (尤指用手)拿,抓

Take as many cakes as you like. 你爱拿多少蛋糕就拿多少。

Let me take your coats. 让我帮你们拿外套吧。

take sb by the arm/hand etc Her mother took her gently by the shoulders. 她母亲轻轻地搂着她的肩膀。

take sb in/into your arms I’ ll take her in my arms and kiss her. 我会拥抱她,并且亲吻她。

take sth in your hands I took the baby bird gently in my hands. 我把小鸟轻轻地捧在手里。

8  T  to study a particular subject at school or college 学,上(某一课程)

I took a course in computer programming. 我上了一门计算机编程课。

Are you taking algebra this year? 今年你上代数课吗?

8a to do an examination in a particular subject 参加(考试)

I took my driving test three times before I passed. 我参加了3次驾驶考试才通过。

She’ ll have to take the exam again. 她得重考。

9  T  to remove something 除去;移走;拿走

take sth away (from)/out of/from sth Take the knife away from her! 把她手里的刀拿走。

These drugs should take the pain away. 这些药应该能止痛。

Will you take the plates out of the cupboard? 把盘子从碗柜里拿出来好吗?

Government officials came to take soil samples from the factory site. 政府官员来取工厂厂址的土壤样本。

9a to steal something , or borrow it without the owner’ s permission 偷走;(未经允许)拿走

Who’ s taken my pencil? 谁拿走了我的铅笔?

The burglars didn’ t seem to have taken much. 窃贼好像没偷走多少东西。

9b to remove one number or quantity from another number or quantity 减去

take sth (away) from sth What do you get if you take seven from twelve? 12减7等于多少?

10  T  to get a picture or a measurement using a machine (用机器)测定,量取,拍摄

The scientists will take more readings from the lava flow. 科学家们将从熔岩流中获取更多数据。

They’ ve taken several scans of her brain. 他们已对她的脑部进行过几次扫描。

take sb’ s temperature A nurse took his temperature every hour. 有位护士每个小时都给他量体温。

take a picture/photograph/photo May I take a picture of the two of you? 我可以给你们俩照张像片吗?

11  T  to get control of something from an opponent 夺取;攻取

The town was finally taken after a six-week siege. 在被围困6个星期之后,这个城镇最终被攻克。

11a to get something from an opponent in a game or sports competition (游戏或体育竞赛中)吃掉(敌子)

Our new bowler took six wickets in his first match. 我们的新投手在他的首场比赛中就把6名击球手杀出局。

Her bishop took my queen (=in the game of chess) . 她的象吃掉了我的后。

12  T  to get something from a book or collection of things 选取;摘录

take sth from sth The picture on page 5 is taken from their brochure. 第5页的图片摘自他们的小册子。

They played a selection of songs taken from Broadway musicals. 他们演奏了百老汇音乐剧中的一些精选曲目。

13  T  to get money from selling something to people , either regularly or on a particular occasion (以卖东西)赚得,收入(金钱)

The shop takes about £1,000 a week. 该店每星期营业额约为1,000英镑。

14  T  to use a particular type of transport 搭乘,乘坐(交通工具)

take a bus/train/plane/taxi etc I usually take the bus to work. 我通常乘公共汽车上班。

14a to use a particular path or road 沿着(某特定路径)走

Take the A14 as far as Cambridge. 沿着A14公路走到剑桥。

We took a trail through the forest. 我们沿着一条小道穿过森林。

15  T  if a piece of equipment takes something , it uses that thing in order to work (设备为正常运转而)需用,使用

What size batteries does your torch take? 你的手电筒用几号电池?

cars that take unleaded petrol 使用无铅汽油的汽车

15a if a piece of equipment takes something , it is able to accept the size or weight of that thing without breaking (设备)承受,容纳

The tank takes about twenty gallons of water. 该水箱大约能装20加仑水。

Careful – that shelf won’ t take all those books. 小心,那个书架承受不了所有那些书的重量。

16  T  used in particular phrases meaning to eat or drink something , especially regularly (尤指有规律地)吃,喝

take milk/sugar/lemon Do you take milk in your coffee? 你喝咖啡时加牛奶吗?

take food (=eat) They are refusing to take food. 进食

16a to put a drug or medicine into your body 服(药)

Take two aspirins and go to bed. 吃两片阿司匹林,然后上床休息。

No more than four pills should be taken in 24 hours. 24小时内最多只能服4片药。

17  T  used for talking about the size of clothes or shoes that someone wears 穿(某个尺寸的衣服或鞋子)

What size shoes do you take? 你穿几号鞋?

18  T  to use a product regularly (固定地)使用

Which newspaper do you take? 你一般读什么报纸?

19  T  to use something in a discussion (讨论中)谈论,使用

Let’ s take that last point first. 我们先讨论最后一点吧。

I never throw anything away. Take this car (=use it as an example) – it’ s very reliable. 我从不丢弃东西。就拿这辆车来说吧,它的性能非常可靠。

take sth as sth I’ ll take his behaviour as an example of what I mean. 我将以他的行为为例来说明我的意思。

20  T  to think about someone or something in a particular way 认为;把…视为;把…看作

He tries hard, but I just can’ t take him seriously. 他很努力地尝试,但我就是没法把他当回事。

take sth as a compliment/an insult She took his remarks as a compliment. 她把他的话当成是一种恭维。

take sth as an omen/a sign They took the rainbow as a sign from their god. 他们把彩虹视为神迹。

take sth as proof/evidence of sth We can’ t take his silence as proof of his guilt. 我们不能把他的沉默看作是他有罪的证据。

20a to understand someone’ s words or actions in a particular way (以特定的方式)理解,领会

He took her remark literally. 他照字面意思理解她的话。

take sb to mean sth I took you to mean that you’ d be there early. 我以为你会很早到那儿。

take sth the wrong way (=be offended) Don’ t take this the wrong way – I’ m just trying to help. 误会

20b to believe something , usually wrongly , about someone or something 误以为

take sb/sth for sb/sth She looks so young I took her for your sister. 她看起来这么年轻,我错把她当成你妹妹了。

Do you take me for a complete idiot? 你把我当作大傻瓜吗?

what do you take me for? I won’ t tell anybody – what do you take me for (=I am not that type of person) ? 我谁也不告诉,你把我当成什么人了?

20c used for saying that you expect that the person you are talking to knows something or will do something 以为

I take it you’ ve heard about Ben and Carol splitting up. 我以为你已经听说本和卡罗尔分手的事了。

21  T  to do or have something 做;拥有

take a seat (=sit down) Please take a seat.

take power/office The new president will take office in January. 新总统将于1月就职。

take cover (=hide) They’ re shooting at us! Quick, take cover! 隐蔽

take a risk Can you take the risk that you might lose your money? 你敢冒可能失去金钱的风险吗?

take (the) credit I did all the work, but Gill took all the credit. 我干了所有的活儿,但功劳却全是吉尔的。

take control/command The rebels are taking control of the city. 叛乱者正控制着这座城市。

take responsibility We must encourage fathers to take full responsibility for their children. 我们必须鼓励父亲们为孩子们负起全部的责任。

22  T  to have or show a feeling or opinion 感到;形成;表露(某种情感或意见)

take offence I’ m afraid she took offence at my remarks. 恐怕我的话激怒了她。

take (an) interest He’ s never taken much interest in his kids. 他从没对自己的孩子产生过很大兴趣。

take pity on sb Lisa took pity on us and invited us to dinner. 莉萨同情我们,请我们吃饭。

take a view/attitude I take the view that children should be told the truth. 我的观点是应该告诉孩子们真相。

23  I  if a process takes, it is successful 成功;奏效

The dye didn’ t take properly. 染色不太成功。

I don’ t think your cuttings will take in this soil. 我觉得你的插枝在这种土壤里活不了。

24  T  BRITISH  to have responsibility for a group of students 负责;教

Who takes the history class on Mondays? 谁教星期一的历史课?

take sb for sth Mr Churchley will be taking you for English. 丘兹利先生将给你们上英语课。

25  T  literary   if a man takes a woman , he has sex with her 和…发生性关系
26  T  AMERICAN  informal   to cheat someone 欺骗
-   can take sth or leave it informal
to not care whether you have , see , or do something

I like chocolate, but I can take it or leave it. 我喜欢巧克力,但吃不吃都行。

-   it takes all sorts (to make a world) spoken
used for saying that you find someone’ s behaviour surprising or strange
-   take place
to happen

The Olympics take place every four years. 奥运会每4年举行一次。

I don’ t know exactly what took place in the classroom. 我不太清楚教室里究竟发生了什么事。

-   you can’ t take sb anywhere spoken
used for saying that someone is behaving in a way that makes you embarrassed

Stop making that noise! I can’ t take you anywhere! 别吵了!我真不该带你来。

-   you can’ t take it with you very informal
used for saying that someone should spend their money , because they cannot spend it after they are dead
ˈtake ˌafter
PHRASAL VB  T  never progressive
take after sb: to look or behave like an older relative (长相或举止)像(长辈)

In looks she takes after her father. 她长得像她父亲。

ˌtake aˈgainst
take against sb: to begin to dislike someone , often without having a good reason (常指无理由地)开始讨厌

Martin took against her almost straight away. 马丁几乎一开始就讨厌她。

ˌtake aˈpart
1 to separate an object into pieces 拆开;拆散

My watch stopped, so I took it apart. 我的表停了,所以我把它拆开了。

2 mainly journalism   to beat someone very easily in a game or sport (在比赛或体育运动中)一举击败,把…打得一败涂地
3 to criticize a person or an idea very severely 严厉批评;猛烈抨击
ˌtake aˈway from
take away from sth: to reduce the positive effect or success of something 有损于;减损;贬低

A few hooligans couldn’ t take away from the team’ s success. 几个小流氓对整个队的成功并无大碍。

ˌtake ˈback
1 to take something that you have bought back to the shops because it is broken or not suitable 退(货)

If you don’ t like the scarf, I can take it back. 要是你不喜欢这条围巾,我可以去退掉它。

2 to accept someone again after they have left a relationship , job etc and want to return to it 重新接纳;允许…回来

She had an affair, but then he took her back. 她曾红杏出墙,但他还是重新接纳了她。

3 informal   to admit that something you said to or about someone was wrong 收回(说过的错话)

I didn’ t mean what I said – I take it back. 我说的并不是这个意思,我收回我说过的话。

4 take sb back: to remind someone of something in the past 使想起;使回忆起

This song always takes me back to my childhood. 这首歌总是使我回忆起我的童年。

ˌtake ˈdown
1 to separate a large structure into pieces 拆卸;拆除

The platform was taken down for safety reasons. 出于安全考虑,那个站台被拆除了。

2 to write down information or a statement 记下

The police took down our addresses and phone numbers. 警察记下我们的住址和电话号码。

3 to lower your underwear or trousers without taking them off 拉低(内裤或裤子而不脱掉)
4 informal   to hit or shoot someone so that they fall down 击倒;射倒
5 take sb down: BRITISH  to remove a prisoner from the place where they stand in a court 把(犯人)带下审判席
ˌtake ˈin
1 take in sth: to include something 包含;包括

The book takes in the period between 1891 and Lenin’ s death. 该书描写的是1891年至列宁逝世为止那段时间。

2 to allow someone to stay in your house or your country 让…居住;接纳;收留

refugees who were taken in during the war 战争期间接纳的难民

We decided to take in lodgers. 我们决定接纳房客。

3 to understand and remember something that you hear or read 领会;理解

I’ m not sure how much of his explanation she took in. 我不清楚她对他作出的解释理解了多少。

4 usually passive to trick someone into believing something that is not true 欺骗

Don’ t be taken in by their promises. 别被他们的承诺给骗了。

5 to make a piece of clothing more narrow or tight , so that it fits you 改小(衣服)
6 to accept something as real or true 接受

He still hasn’ t really taken in his father’ s death. 他还没有真正接受父亲已死这个事实。

7 to spend time looking at something 观赏;观看

We sat there taking in the scenery. 我们坐在那儿欣赏风景。

8 take in sth: to do work for someone else in your home 分担(家人的工作)

She has started taking in ironing. 她已开始帮着熨衣服了。

9 take in sth: MAINLY AMERICAN  to go to an entertainment or sport 观看(娱乐节目或体育活动)

We took in a couple of films. 我们看了几部电影。

ˌtake ˈoff
1  T  to remove something , especially a piece of clothing 脱去(尤其是衣服)

I’ d better take my shoes off. 我最好把鞋子脱了。

2  I  if an aircraft takes off , it leaves the ground and starts flying (飞机)起飞

The plane should take off on time. 飞机应当准时起飞。

3  I  to become successful or popular very fast 迅速成功;迅速走红

Her business has really taken off. 她的生意真的迅速红火了起来。

4  T  take sth off: to have a particular amount of time away from work 从工作时间抽出(时间);休假

I’ m taking Monday off to go to London. 我星期一不上班,要去伦敦。

We haven’ t taken any time off since last summer. 自从去年夏天以来我们就没休过假。

5  I  informal   to leave a place suddenly 突然离开

As soon as she saw George arrive, she just took off. 一看到乔治到来她就径自离开了。

6  T  informal   to copy the way someone speaks or behaves, in order to entertain people (为了逗乐别人而)模仿(某人的谈吐或举止)

Beth can take off Judy Garland brilliantly. 贝思能活灵活现地模仿朱迪·加兰。

ˌtake ˈon
1  T  to start to employ someone 开始雇用

We’ re not taking on any new staff at the moment. 眼下我们不雇用新职员。

2  T  take on sth: to develop a particular character or appearance 呈现

Our website is taking on a new look. 我们的网站正呈现出一幅新面貌。

The war took on a different meaning for everyone involved. 这场战争对于所有涉及的人来说有着不同的意义。

3  T  to accept some work or responsibility 承担

I can’ t take on any more work at the moment. 我眼下承担不了更多的工作。

4  T  to fight or compete against someone 与…较量;与…比赛

This evening Manchester United take on Barcelona. 今晚曼彻斯特联队要与巴塞罗纳队较量一番。

5 take on  T  to decide to do something without asking permission from anyone else (未经允许就)决定

take it on/upon yourself (to do sth) My mother took it on herself to invite them. 我母亲自作主张邀请了他们。

6  I  informal old-fashioned   to become upset 变得心烦意乱;大惊小怪

Don’ t take on so! 别这么大惊小怪!

ˌtake ˈout
1 to remove something from a pocket , bag etc 取出;拿出

Henry took out his wallet. 亨利取出了钱包。

The officer started to take her notebook out. 这位官员开始拿出她的笔记本。

2 to take someone to a place like a cinema or a restaurant and usually pay for them 带(某人)出去(吃饭或看电影等)

take sb out for sth She’ s taking her parents out for dinner. 她正带父母出去吃饭。

3 to get something officially , especially from an insurance company , bank , or law court (尤指从保险公司、银行或法院)正式获得,正式取得

They’ ve taken out a huge advertisement in the national press. 他们已经获准在全国性报刊上做一个大幅广告。

When you take out insurance, read the small print. 办理保险手续时请阅读小号铅字所写的内容。

4 informal   to kill someone or destroy something 杀死;毁坏

The night bombing raid took out the bridge. 夜间的空袭摧毁了这座桥。

5 BRITISH  to make a piece of clothing more loose , so that it fits you 改大(衣服)
-   take it out of you mainly spoken
to need a lot of effort and make you feel very tired

Playing tennis in this heat really takes it out of you. 这种大热天打网球真的会把你累倒。

-   take sb out of themselves informal
to help someone to forget their problems
-   take sth out on sb
to make someone suffer because you are angry , upset , or tired , even though it is not their fault

When he’ s under pressure at work, he takes it out on me. 他工作有压力时总是拿我当出气筒。

ˌtake ˈover
1  I/T  to begin to do something that someone else was doing 接手;接替;接任

Can you take over the cooking while I walk the dog? 我出去遛狗的时候,你能否替我做饭?

take (sth) over from sb I’ ll take over from you for a moment. 我帮你顶一会儿。

take over as sth Jane took over as director after Richard retired. 理查德退休后,简接任主任之职。

2  T  to take control of something 接管

IBM is taking over the smaller company. IBM正着手接管这家规模较小的公司。

Gibraltar was taken over by Spain in 1462. 直布罗陀于1462年由西班牙接管。

ˌtake ˈthrough
take sb through sth: to explain to someone in detail how something should be done , what something is about etc 向(某人)详细解释(某事)

Here’ s my report. I’ ll take you through it if you like. 这是我的报告。如果你想听的话,我会详细向你解释。

ˈtake to
1 take to sb/sth: to begin to like someone or something 开始喜欢

I took to John immediately. 我一下就喜欢上约翰了。

2 to start doing something as a habit 开始养成…的习惯

take to doing sth Recently he’ s taken to wearing a cap. 近来他有了戴帽子的习惯。

3 take to sth: old-fashioned   to go to a place , especially your bed 到;去;(尤指)上(床)

Joanne says she’ s ill, and she’ s taken to her bed. 乔安妮说她生病了,还说她已经上床休息了。

ˌtake ˈup
1 to start doing something regularly as a habit , job , or interest 开始养成…的习惯;开始从事;开始对…产生兴趣

I took up smoking when I was at school. 我上学时开始抽烟。

Chris has taken up jogging. 克里斯养成了慢跑的习惯。

take up a post/position The new surgeon will take up her post in May. 新的外科医生将于5月份上任。

2 to fill a particular amount of space or time 占去(空间或时间)

These files take up a lot of disk space. 这些文件占去了很多的磁盘空间。

I’ ll try not to take up too much of your time. 我会尽量不占用你太多时间。

3 take up sth: to accept an offer or a challenge (= an offer to fight or compete) that someone has made to you 接受(建议或挑战)

Schools are taking up the offer of cut-price computers. 各校正在接受优惠电脑报价。

One of our greatest athletes has taken up a new challenge. 我们其中有一名最优秀的运动员已经接受了新的挑战。

4 to reduce the length of a piece of clothing or some curtains 收短,改短,裁短(衣服或布帘)
5 to continue to discuss or deal with an idea , problem , or suggestion 继续(谈论或处理某事)

She fell silent, and her brother took up the story. 她陷入沉默,她哥哥接着讲了下去。

Mrs Pankhurst took up the cause of women’ s rights. 潘克赫斯特太太继续为女权事业而努力。

-   take up arms formal
to start a battle using weapons
-   take up residence formal
to start living somewhere
ˌtake ˈup on
take sb up on sth: to accept an offer or invitation that someone has made 接受(建议或邀请)

I’ ve decided to take you up on that job offer. 我决定接受你提议的那份工作。

ˌtake ˈup with
take up with sb: to become friendly with someone , especially someone who could have a bad influence on you 开始结交;开始与(尤其是可能带来不良影响的人)交往

I don’ t want you to take up with the wrong crowd. 我希望你不要交上不良朋友。

-   be taken up with sth
to be busy doing , discussing, or thinking about something

The whole meeting was taken up with arguing about the budget. 整个会议都在忙于讨论预算问题。

She was completely taken up with her own worries. 她被自己的烦心事弄得焦头烂额。

ˈtake upˌon
take on 5

We took it upon ourselves to organize a quiz. 我们自己决定组织一次测验。





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