/prəˈpɔːʃn/ |
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1 | C a quantity of something that is a part or share of the whole 部分;份儿 |
| +of Only a small proportion of graduates fail to find employment. 只有一小部分毕业生没找到工作。 |
| 1a | U the relationship between two or more quantities or parts of a whole 比例;比 | | the proportion of sth to sth The proportion of trucks to cars on the roads has changed dramatically. 公路上卡车和汽车的比例有了大幅度的变化。 | |
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2 | U the correct , most useful , or most attractive relationship between things (比例)均衡,协调,匀称 |
| Genovese’ s work shows a wonderful sense of proportion and design. 热那亚人的作品呈现出的匀称感和设计令人叫绝。 |
| in proportion Everything about the room is beautifully in proportion. 这屋子里的每一样东西都很协调。 |
| in proportion to/with sth His head is large in proportion to his small frame. 他的头和小巧的骨架相比显得大了。 |
| out of proportion (to/with sth) The figures in the painting are completely out of proportion with their surroundings. 画中的人像与他们周围的事物完全不成比例。 |
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3 | U the relative importance or seriousness of different things (相对的)重要性,严重性;(事情的)主次 |
| a sense of proportion We need to keep a sense of proportion about what really matters. 我们必须对事情的轻重缓急有个分寸。 |
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4 | proportions plural the size or shape of something (某物的)尺寸,大小,形状 |
| a chair of graceful proportions 造型优美的椅子 |
| The tree can grow to massive proportions. 这种树能够长得非常大。 |
| 4a | the degree of importance of something (某物的)重要程度 | | a disaster of catastrophic proportions 严重的灾难 | | The story began to take on mythic proportions. 故事开始具有了神话的意味。 | |
- | blow sth up out of (all) proportion |
| to make a situation seem much worse than it really is |
| 过分夸张某事的恶劣程度 |
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| The incident has been blown up out of proportion. 这个事件被夸张得过分了。 |
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- | keep sth in proportion |
| to react to a situation in a suitable way and not make it seem more important than it really is |
| 恰如其分地对某事作出反应;很理性地看待某事 |
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- | out of (all) proportion (to sth) |
| if a reaction or result is out of all proportion , it is too strong or serious for the thing or situation that has caused it |
| (反应或结果)过分夸张,完全不相称 |
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| The publicity the exhibition has received is out of all proportion to its actual quality. 这次展览受到的公众的关注与其实际的品质完全不相称。 |
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Words frequently used with proportion | proportion 的常见搭配词 | adjectives | considerable, greater, high, higher, large, significant, small, substantial, | 1 | | |