

单词 stroke
stroke 1 ★★
NOUN  C   
1 a medical condition in which blood is suddenly blocked and cannot reach the brain , or in which a blood vessel in the brain breaks, often causing a loss of the ability to speak or to move particular muscles 中风;脑卒中

have/suffer a stroke The face was partly paralysed after she suffered a stroke. 她中风后脸部部分瘫痪。

2 an unexpected but important event or action (意外但重要的)事件,行动,举动

a stroke of luck/good fortune Winning the lottery was quite a stroke of luck. 彩票中奖大多靠运气。

a stroke of genius/inspiration/brilliance Using green as a background was a real stroke of genius. 用绿色做背景真是天才之举。

a bold/master stroke These plans are seen as a bold stroke by the local council. 这些计划被当地的市议会看作是一个大胆举措。

3 a hit made with someone’ s hand , a stick , or another object (用手、棍子或其他器物进行的)打,击

With each stroke of the whip, the horse galloped faster. 每抽一下鞭子,马就跑得更快一些。

3a an instance of hitting the ball in some sports, or the way in which someone hits it (某些体育运动中的)一次击球,一抽,打法

He slammed the ball over the net with a powerful backhand stroke. 他用一记有力的反手击球把球猛击过网。

4 a style of swimming , or one complete movement of the arms and legs in swimming 游泳姿势;(游泳的)一次划水

With powerful strokes she pulled ahead of the others. 凭借着有力的划水动作,她超过了其他人。

4a a style of rowing , or one complete movement of the oars through the water 划桨法;(划船的)一次完整划水
4b a single complete movement of a bird’ s wings during flight (鸟翼的)一次扑打
5 one of the series of sounds some clocks make to mark the hour , or the time marked by this (某些钟表整点报时的)一敲,一响

At the stroke of nine (=at exactly nine o’ clock) the band began to play. 时钟敲响9点时乐队开始演奏。

6 a single short line or mark made with a pen or brush (钢笔或毛笔的)一笔,一画

a brush stroke 毛笔的一画

7 a gentle movement of your hand across skin , hair , or fur (手在皮肤、头发或毛皮上的)轻抚,抚摸

She gave the dog’ s head a stroke. 她轻抚了一下狗的头。

8 BRITISH  spoken   a slash mark (/) 斜线号

My special pass number is nine stroke three (9/3). 我的特设密码是9/3。

9 an instance of lightning hitting something (闪电的)闪击

The tree was split by a stroke of lightning. 树被雷电劈裂了。

-   at a stroke/one stroke
with a single action that changes things completely

They added 230 customers to their list at a stroke. 他们在名单上一举添加了230名客户。

-   different strokes (for different folks) informal
used for saying that what is good or enjoyable for one person may not be so for someone else
-   not do a stroke of work informal
to do no work at all
-   put sb off their stroke BRITISH
to cause someone to stop what they are doing or make a mistake

He was put off his stroke by the arguing in the next room. 他被隔壁房间的争吵分了心。

-   with a/the stroke of a pen
used for emphasizing that something important is done by the simple act of signing a document

With the stroke of a pen, the chairman had signed away the company. 董事长大笔一挥,公司就这样给了别人。





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