/stɒk/ |
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1 | C an amount of something that you keep so that you can use it when you need it 储备;储备物 |
| +of Keep a good stock of nutritious foods available. 要保证营养食品的储备充足。 |
| Their stocks of ammunition were running dangerously low. 他们的弹药储备已经少到很危险的地步。 |
| 1a | C the total amount of something that is available for people to use 供给总量;总储备量 | | Much of the city’ s housing stock is of very poor quality. 该城市大部分的住宅质量很差。 | | Time is vital if fish stocks are to recover. 要恢复鱼类资源,时间是关键。 | |
| 1b | singular an amount of facts, stories etc that someone knows (某人所知道的)所有的事实,所有故事 | | +of He had soon exhausted his stock of jokes. 很快他就把所知道的笑话讲完了。 | |
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2 | U the goods that are available to buy in a shop (商店的)货物 |
| We’ re having some new stock delivered this afternoon. 今天下午我们会有新货送到。 |
| in stock Do you have any of these batteries in stock at the moment? 这种电池你们现在有没有现货? |
| out of stock (=not available now) I’ m afraid that size is out of stock. 没有现货的 |
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3 | C usually plural business one of the equal parts into which the value of a company is divided 股份;股票 |
| He made a living buying and selling stocks and shares. 他靠买卖股票为生。 |
| Technology stocks fell sharply today. 科技股今天股价大跌。 |
| 3a | U the total amount of money and goods that a company owns that shows how much it is worth 总资产 | |
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4 | C/U a liquid made by boiling meat , bones, or vegetables and used for making soups and sauces (以肉、骨头或蔬菜为原料煮成的)原汁,原汤 |
| Add half a pint of chicken stock. 加半品脱的原汁鸡汤。 |
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5 | U animals such as cows and pigs that are kept on a farm 牲畜;家畜 |
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6 | U the type of people that your family comes from 祖先;人种;家族;世系 |
| He comes from Irish stock. 他是爱尔兰后裔。 |
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7 | C/U a garden plant with a strong sweet smell and pink , white , or purple flowers 紫罗兰 |
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8 | U the degree to which someone is respected by other people 声威;威望 |
| The Prime Minister’ s stock remains low with the electorate. 首相在全体选民中的威望仍然很低。 |
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9 | the stocks plural a wooden frame that people were locked into in the past as a punishment (旧时的)枷锁 |
- | on the stocks |
| being prepared or produced |
| 进行中;准备中 |
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| There are no new deals currently on the stocks. 现在没有正在进行的新交易。 |
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- | take stock (of sth) |
| to spend some time thinking about the situation you are in before you decide what to do next |
| (对某事的形势)进行估计,作出判断 |
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| Millie felt she needed to stop and take stock of her life. 米莉认为需要停下来检视一下自己的生活。 |
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