

单词 smoke
smoke 2 ★★
1  I/T  to suck smoke from a cigarette , pipe etc into your mouth and lungs 抽(香烟、烟斗等);吸烟

Phil was taking a break from work, reading the paper and smoking a cigarette. 菲尔正在工间休息,边看报纸边抽烟。

1a to smoke cigarettes as a regular habit (作为习惯)抽烟

I didn’ t know you smoked! 我不知道你抽烟!

She smokes about 20 a day. 她一天要抽大约20支烟。

smoke heavily Jane started smoking heavily as her job became more stressful. 简工作压力加大时抽烟抽得很凶。

2  I  usually progressive to produce smoke 冒烟

By the time I got to the garage, the engine was smoking alarmingly. 我到达汽车修理厂时,发动机吓人地冒着烟。

2a if a fire smokes, it produces a lot of smoke (炉子)冒烟
3  T  to preserve and give flavour to fish or other food by hanging it in smoke 熏制(鱼等)
ˌsmoke ˈout
1 to force a person , animal , or insect to leave the place where they have been hiding by filling it with smoke (用烟)将(人、动物或昆虫)熏出
2 to force someone keeping a secret to say who they are or what they have done 逼供;逼迫说出
2a to make information publicly known 公开;揭露;使曝光




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