

单词 shut
shut 1 ★★★
1  T  to close something , for example a door , window , or drawer 关上,合上(门、窗、抽屉等)

Please shut the door behind you. 进来后请随手关门。

Shut the gate or the dog will get out. 把大门关上,不然狗会跑出去。

Don’ t worry about the curtains, I’ ll shut them later. 别担心窗帘,我等会儿把它们拉上。

1a  I  if something such as a door or window shuts, it closes (门、窗)关上

I heard the front door shut. 我听见前门关上了。

1b  T  if you shut a book or magazine , you close it so you only see the cover 合上(书或杂志)

Sandra shut the book and put it down on the table. 桑德拉把书合上放在了桌上。

1c  I/T  if you shut your eyes or they shut , you close them so you cannot see , often to avoid seeing something unpleasant (把)(眼睛)闭上
1d  I/T  if you shut your mouth or it shuts, you press your lips together (把)(嘴)闭上
2  I/T  BRITISH  informal   to close a business at the end of the working day or for a short period of time 打烊;停止营业

Let’ s shut the shop early tonight. 今晚我们店早点打烊吧。

-   shut your ears to sth
to refuse to listen to something , usually something bad
-   shut your eyes to sth
to refuse to pay attention to something , usually something bad
-   shut it BRITISH impolite
an offensive way of telling someone to stop talking
-   shut your mouth/face/trap/gob impolite
an offensive way of telling someone to stop talking
ˌshut aˈway
to put someone in a place where they are kept apart from other people 把(某人)关起来;隔离

Don’ t shut yourself away all day in your room. 别整天把自己关在房间里。

ˌshut ˈdown
1  I/T  if a shop , school , factory , or business shuts down , or someone shuts it down , it closes, usually permanently (使)关闭;(使)停业
2  I/T  if a machine or computer shuts down , or someone shuts it down , it stops operating (使)关机;(使)停止运转
3  T  informal   to stop someone from doing something , especially to stop a player from having the freedom to move around or play well 阻止(某人)做某事;(尤指)阻挠(运动员)发挥
ˌshut ˈin
to put a person or animal in a place that they cannot leave 把…关在(某处)
ˌshut ˈoff
1  I/T  if a machine shuts off or someone shuts it off , it stops working (机器)停止工作;关掉(机器)

How do I shut off this car alarm? 这个汽车报警器怎么关?

2  T  to stop the flow of something , usually water or electricity 切断(通常指水流或电)
3  T  if a person or community is shut off , they do not see or meet other people 使…不接触;将…隔离

Sally shut herself off from the rest of the team. 萨莉不与其他队员来往。

ˌshut ˈout
1 if you shut something out , you stop yourself from seeing it , hearing it , or thinking about it 把(某物)挡在外面;排除(干扰)

He closed the door to shut out the sound of the rain. 他关上门,以便不受雨声干扰。

I tried to shut the incident out of my mind. 我试图彻底忘掉这件事。

2 to not allow someone to enter a particular place 把(某人)关在外面
3 AMERICAN  in sport , to win and not allow the other team to score any points (在体育运动中)战胜(对方),使(对方)不能得分
ˌshut ˈout of
PHRASAL VB  T  usually passive
shut sb out of sth: if someone is shut out of something , they are not allowed to do it or be involved in it 不允许做;无法参与

For years, women were shut out of the top ranks of the industry. 多年以来,女性都被排斥在该行业的高级职位之外。

ˌshut ˈup
1  I  often in imperative impolite   to stop talking or making a noise 住口;闭嘴

Why don’ t you shut up? 你为什么不闭嘴?

+about I wish he’ d shut up about his holiday. 我希望他对度假之事闭嘴不谈。

1a  T  shut sb upto make someone stop talking or making a noise 使(某人)停止讲话;使(某人)不吵闹

Can’ t you shut the kids up for just five minutes? 难道你让孩子们闭嘴5分钟都不行吗?

2  T  to keep someone in a small area for a specific purpose 把(某人)关起来

Many students shut themselves up in their rooms to study. 许多学生把自己关在房间里学习。

3  T  to close a building so that people cannot enter or leave it 把(房屋)封闭
-   shut upshop informal
to close a business , either permanently or at the end of the working day
See also
eye 1




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