

单词 between
between ★★★
  Between can be used in the following ways:
between 有以下用法
  as a preposition (followed by a noun)用作介词(后接名词): the distance between two places 两地之间的距离。
  as an adverb (without a following noun)用作副词(后不接名词): two periods of study with a short break between 中间有短暂休息的两节课。
1 with people or things on each side or end
1a if someone or something is between two other people or things, the two people or things are on each side of them 在(两人或两物)之间;在中间

Hold the needle between your finger and thumb. 用拇指和另外一根手指捏住这根针。

Gatwick is about halfway between London and Brighton. 盖特威克大约位于伦敦和布赖顿的中间。

in between Charlotte sat in between her two sons at the reception. 在招待会上夏洛特坐在她的两个儿子中间。

Put the two smaller vases on the ends and the big one in between. 把两个较小的花瓶放在两端,大花瓶放在中间。

1b connecting two places 连接着(两地);来往于…之间

Trains running between Liverpool and Manchester were delayed. 往返于利物浦和曼彻斯特之间的火车晚点了。

2 with times or events before and after
2a in the period after one time or event and before the next 在(两个时间或事件)之间

The office will be closed between Christmas and New Year. 办事处将在圣诞节至新年期间停止办公。

The show opens next Monday. Between now and then we’ ll be rehearsing every day. 演出下星期一开始。从现在到下星期一我们每天都要排练。

She does two performances a night, with only a very short break between. 她一个晚上演两场,中间只有很短暂的休息时间。

in between Try to avoid snacks in between meals. 在两餐之间尽量不要吃零食。

3 within a range
within a range of numbers, amounts, ages etc 在(两个数字、数量、年龄等)之间

Choose a number between 1 and 10. 在1至10之间选择一个数字。

children between the ages of 4 and 13 4岁至13岁之间的孩子

in between Fifteen is too few, but 30 is probably too many – somewhere in between would be about right. 15太少了,但30也许太多了,15至30之间某个数字差不多合适。

4 involving two or more people or things
4a used for showing which people or groups are involved in an agreement , discussion , competition , fight etc 在(两人或两个团体)之间

a telephone conversation between the Prime Minister and the US Secretary of State 首相与美国国务卿之间的电话交谈

The match between England and Germany will be worth watching. 英格兰队和德国队之间的这场比赛很值得一看。

4b used for showing that two things, people , organizations, or ideas are related or connected (用来表示两个人、物、组织、观点等是互相关联的)…之间

There has been a steady improvement in relations between China and the rest of the world. 中国与世界其他国家之间的关系已经得到了稳步改善。

Scientists believe there is a link between diet and certain types of cancer. 科学家们认为饮食与某几种癌症之间有联系。

5 used for showing a difference or making a comparison
used for stating which two people or things are similar or different (表示两个人或事物相似或不同)…之间

Does a five-year-old know the difference between right and wrong? 一个5岁的孩子能分辨是非吗?

There are obvious parallels between computer systems and the working of the human brain. 计算机系统和人脑的工作有明显的相似之处。

the gap between rich and poor 贫富差距

6 used for showing how a total is divided
6a used for showing how something is shared or divided 由…分享;在…之间分配

We agreed to split the profits between us on a fifty-fifty basis. 我们同意将利润对半分。

The head teacher has to divide up her time between administration and classroom teaching. 校长不得不分配时间兼顾行政管理和课堂教学。

6b used for showing that the total amount of something is owned, given , or produced by two or more people 由…共同(拥有、给予或生产)

Between us, we managed to collect over £2,000. 我们一起设法筹集了2000多英镑。

7 used for stating what may be chosen
used for showing that you can choose one out of two or more things 在…之间(作出选择)

They’ re both beautiful designs – it’ s hard to choose between them. 这两个设计都非常漂亮,很难在它们之间作出选择。

Third year students have a choice between philosophy, sociology, and economics. 3年级学生可以选修哲学、社会学或经济学。

-   between you and me
used when you are telling someone something that you do not want anyone else to know about

Between you and me, I think she’ s got problems with her boyfriend. 你不要告诉别人,我认为她和她的男朋友闹别扭了。

  Words frequently used with between
  between 的常见搭配词
  nouns   contrast, difference, distinction, gap, parallels, similarity,
See also




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