

单词 poach
1  T  to cook an egg without its shell in water that is boiling gently (在微开的水中)煮(荷包蛋)
1a to cook something in water , milk , or another liquid that is boiling gently 把(某物)放入微开的水(或其他液体)中煮(或炖)

Poach the chicken in white wine for 15 minutes. 把鸡肉放到白葡萄酒中炖15分钟。

2  I/T  to illegally catch or kill an animal , bird , or fish on someone else’ s property (侵入他人地界)偷猎,偷捕,盗猎

The two men were caught poaching lions on government land. 两名男子在政府土地上偷猎狮子时被捕。

3  T  to persuade someone to leave a group or organization and become a member of yours , especially by using secret or dishonest methods (尤指通过秘密或不诚实的手段)挖走(其他团体或组织的成员)

Canada has accused American baseball teams of trying to poach their best players. 加拿大指责美国棒球队试图偷偷挖走他们最好的球员。

3a to persuade someone to stop buying products or services from a company and start buying them from your company instead , especially by using secret or dishonest methods (尤指通过秘密或不诚实的手段)挖走(其他公司的客户)
3b to take something such as an idea that belongs to someone else , especially by using secret or dishonest methods, and use it for your own benefit (尤指通过秘密或不诚实的手段)窃取,盗用(他人的主意)
-   poach on sb’ s territory
to do something that you do not have the right to do , since someone else is in charge of doing it




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