

单词 sell
sell 1 ★★★
1  T  to exchange something for money 卖;出售

They’ ve already sold over two million copies of their record. 他们的唱片已经卖出两百多万张了。

sell sth at a profit/loss (=for more/less money than you paid) I don’ t think dealers sell these cars at much of a profit. 赢利/亏本出售某物

buy and sell sth My uncle buys and sells antiques for a living. 我叔叔以买卖古董为生。

1a  T  to persuade someone to buy something from a business that employs you 向…推销;向…出售

sell sb sth I sold one customer five pairs of shoes yesterday. 我昨天卖给一位顾客5双鞋。

1b  T  a shop that sells a particular product has a supply of it for customers to buy 经销;有…出售;卖

Do you think they sell children’ s books here? 你觉得他们这儿卖儿童书籍吗?

1c  I  if something sells, people buy it 有销路

Designer clothes don’ t really sell much in the smaller towns. 著名设计师设计的服装在小城镇并不怎么好卖。

sth sells well (=a lot of people buy it) Her new book sold very well in the first six months. 某物销路好

2  T  to be a quality that makes people want to buy , have , or do something 促进…的销售;使吸引顾客

Sex and violence have sold a lot of cinema tickets. 性和暴力使电影票房收入剧增。

3  T  informal   to persuade someone to do , have , or use something 说服;使接受

I don’ t think we could sell the idea to our partners. 我想我们无法让合作方接受这个想法。

-   sell your body
to have sex with people because they pay you money
-   sell sb down the river informal
to allow someone who trusts you to be harmed so that you can get an advantage for yourself
-   sell sb short
to describe someone or something as less impressive than they really are

His main fault is that he tends to sell himself short. 他的主要缺点是他总是低估自己。

-   sell yourself
to persuade people that you have a lot of ability

If you can’ t sell yourself you’ re not likely to sell anything else. 如果你不能推销你自己,你也不可能推销别的东西。

-   sold on sth
believing that something is very good

I’ m not completely sold on that idea. 我对那个想法并不完全看好。

ˌsell ˈoff
to sell something quickly and for a low price , usually because you need money (通常因需要钱而快速地)廉价出售

The company will have to sell off assets to avoid bankruptcy. 公司为了避免破产将被迫廉价出售资产。

ˌsell ˈon
to sell something after buying it from someone else 转手倒卖

They buy it at a low price and sell it on for a huge profit. 他们低价买进,转手高利润卖出。

ˌsell ˈout
1  I/T  if a shop sells out of something , it sells all that it has so that there is no more available (商店)卖光,售完

I went to get some bread, but the shop had sold out. 我去买面包,但那家店卖完了。

+of On a hot day, we can sell out of ice cream in an hour. 在大热天我们可以在一小时内卖光所有的冰淇淋。

1a  I  used about goods (货物)售完,售罄

The tickets had sold out within a few short hours. 票在短短几个小时内全部售出。

2  I  informal   to do something that shows you no longer have the same moral principles you used to have 屈服;背叛原则

+to Some fans thought she’ d sold out to mainstream pop music. 一些歌迷认为她已向主流通俗音乐屈服了。

3  I  AMERICAN  to deliberately sell all the goods in your business , especially because you are closing the business permanently 全部出售(公司货物);(尤因永久性停业而)清仓甩卖
See also
hot cakes




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