

单词 upon
upon ★★★
1 literary   on
on or onto something 在…上;到…上

Shadows were flickering upon the studio floor. 影子在摄影室的地板上摇曳。

He believes we were put upon this earth for a purpose. 他认为我们来到这个世界上是有目的的。

2 formal   used after some verbs instead of ‘on’
used after some verbs with the same meaning as ‘on’ (用在一些动词后,与on 同义)

A police patrol happened upon a robbery in a bank yesterday. 一名巡警昨天碰巧遇上了发生在一家银行的抢劫。

They draw upon their experience to educate and guide new companies. 他们靠自己的经验来培养和指导新公司。

My whole future depended upon the decision of this one manager. 我的未来全都取决于这位经理个人所作的决定了。

3 formal   immediately after
immediately after doing something or after something happens 刚一…就

Barry had joined the army immediately upon leaving school. 巴里中学一毕业就参军了。

Upon his release, Davis went immediately to his mother’ s. 戴维斯一获释就立刻去了他母亲的住处。

4 happening soon
if an event or time is upon you , it is going to happen very soon 即将发生

Christmas is almost upon us again. 圣诞节又快到了。

5 used for emphasizing an amount
used between two nouns that are the same for emphasizing that there is a large number of the thing that you are mentioning (用于两个相同的名词之间,强调数量之多)(一个)接(一个),…又…

I’ ve written to you, year upon year, and never heard from you. 我年复一年地给你写信,却从未收到过你的回信。

We drove across mile upon mile of wide-open space. 我们一路行驶在旷野中。

Upon is much more formal than on , but it can be used with the same meanings as the preposition on in the following cases:on/onto an object or surface在某物的上面(或表面);到某物的上面(或表面): It fell upon the ground. 它掉到了地上。supported by a part of your body: She fell down upon her knees. 她摔倒了,膝盖着地。looking at something看着某物: She fixed her gaze upon me. 她盯着我看。happening immediately after刚一…就: Report to the reception desk immediately upon arrival. 抵达后马上去服务台报到。affecting someone or something影响某人或某事物: attacks upon our homes 对我们家园的袭击。 Upon can also be used instead of on after particular verbs在特定的动词后,upon也可用来替代on: He congratulated me on/upon my success. 他对我的成功表示祝贺。 They insisted on/upon seeing you. 他们坚持要见你。




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