

单词 see
see 1 ★★★
1  T  never progressive to notice someone or something using your eyes 看到;看见

She laughed when she saw the expression on his face. 看见他脸上的表情时她笑了起来。

+what/where/who Did you see where I put my glasses? 你看见我把眼镜放在哪儿了吗?

+(that) I could see she was upset. 我看得出她很不安。

see sb/sth doing sth Didn’ t you see him talking to her earlier? 你难道没看见他与她早些时候在交谈吗?

1a  I/T  to be able to use your eyes to notice and recognize things 有视力;看得见

If the operation is successful, he will be able to see again. 如果手术成功,他将重见光明。

see to do sth It was too dark to see to read. 天太黑了,看不清书。

can’ t see a thing She can’ t see a thing without her contact lenses. 她不戴上隐形眼镜就什么也看不见。

1b  T  to watch something such as a film or television programme 看(电影或电视节目)

We saw Hamlet at the National Theatre last week. 我们上周在国家剧院看了《哈姆雷特》。

Have you seen the film American Beauty? 你看过电影《美国丽人》吗?

1c  T  to look at something in order to check it 查看

The border guard asked to see her passport. 边防卫兵要求查看她的护照。

2  T  to meet or visit someone you know by arrangement 接待;会见;看望

Are you seeing Jane tomorrow? 你明天要去看望简吗?

see you (=I’ ll meet you) See you at the station at 6 o’ clock. 再见

2a  T  to meet someone you know by accident 偶然碰见

I saw David in town the other day. 我前些天在街上碰到了戴维。

2b  T  to have a business or professional meeting with someone 会见

When can Mr Martin see me? 马丁先生什么时候能见我?

see sb about sth She’ s seeing the doctor about her leg tomorrow. 她明天要去找医生治她的腿。

2c  T  to spend time with a friend or member of your family (与朋友或家人)共度(时光)

We still see each other a couple of times a month. 我们仍是一个月见几次面。

see morelessa lot of sb I’ ve been seeing a lot of my sister recently. 我最近常见到我姐姐。

2d  T  to be visited by someone 被探望;接待访问

Peter still isn’ t well enough to see anyone. 彼得身体仍不太好,不能接受任何人的探望。

3  T  always in imperative used for saying where you can find more information 参见;见

See chapter 12. 参见第12章。

see abovebelow (=nearer the beginningend) This contributed to the success of the Republicans (see above). 参见上/下文

4  I/T  never progressive to understand something 理解;明白

I think I see the problem here. 我想我明白这里的问题。

+whywhatwhohow I see why you’ re angry. 我理解你为什么生气。

+(that) No one could see he was to blame. 没人知道他应该受到责备。

can’ tdon’ t see whywhatthat I can’ t see that it matters who does it. 我看不出谁去做有什么关系。

He didn’ t see what all the fuss was about. 他不知道所有这些大惊小怪是为什么。

see what sb means ‘It’ s not fair to go without him.’ ‘Yes, I see what you mean.’ “不让他一起去是不公平的。”“是的,我明白你的意思。”

4a used for showing that you are paying attention to what someone is saying and that you understand it 我知道

‘You do it like this.’ ‘I see.’ “你像这样做。”“我明白了。”

4b used for making sure that someone is paying attention to what you are saying and that they understand it 明白吗?

You press this button first, see? 你先按这个钮,明白了吗?

5  T  to consider someone or something in a particular way 把…看作;(以某种方式)考虑

see sb/sth as sth This was seen as an attempt to fool the voters. 这被看作是试图愚弄选民的行为。

He seems to see me as a threat. 他好像把我看作一个威胁。

see things differently (from sb) A scientist sees things differently from an artist. 科学家与艺术家看事情的方式不一样。

6  T  never progressive to imagine someone or something 想象;设想

see sb as sth Can you really see her as the president? 你真能把她想象成主管人吗?

see sbsth doing sth I just can’ t see them winning the game. 我就是想象不出他们能赢得这场比赛。

see yourself Where do you see yourself in five years’ time? 你设想自己5年后会在哪里?

7  I/T  never progressive to find something out 发现;看出

As we saw in Chapter 2, the reasons for the war were complex. 正如我们在第2章里看到的,战争的原因是复杂的。

+(that) If you read his report, you’ ll see that he recommends a cautious approach. 如果你读一读他的报告,你就会发现他推荐了一种谨慎的方法。

+whowhatwhy I’ ll go and see what he wants. 我会去看看他想要什么。

+ifwhether He went back to see whether they needed any help. 他回去看看他们是否需要帮忙。

8  T  never progressive to experience something 经历;经受

This little girl has seen so much misery in her time. 这个小姑娘在生活中经历了如此多的苦难。

8a  T  if a place or a period of time sees an event , the event happens in that place or during that time (地方或时间)目睹,见证

The region has seen some of the fiercest fighting in the war. 这个地区见证了这场战争中的一些最惨烈的战斗。

9  T  to go with someone because you want to make sure that they arrive somewhere 陪同

see sb home Can I see you home? 我能送你回家吗?

see sb across the road I’ ll see him across the road. 我要送他过马路。

see sb to the door (=when they leave a building) My secretary will see you to the door. 送某人到门口

10  T  in a card game , to bet the same amount of money as another player 与(对方)下同样赌注

I’ ll see your 20 dollars. 我跟你一样下注20美元。

10a to bet the same money as another player and make them show their cards 下同样赌注使对方亮牌
-   as/the way sb sees it spoken
according to someone’ s way of thinking about a situation

As I see it, you have no choice. 就我来看,你没有选择。

-   be seeing sb
to be having a romantic or sexual relationship with someone

Do you know whether he’ s seeing anyone at the moment? 你知不知道他这阵子是不是在和谁谈恋爱?

-   be seeing things
to believe you see something when it is not really there
-   be seen to be doing sth
to do something in a way that people will notice , because they want or expect you to do it
-   have seen it all before informal
to have experienced a lot of things or know about a lot of things, so that you are not shocked or surprised easily
-   I don’ t see why not spoken
used for saying yes when someone asks for your permission

‘Can Jason come too, Dad?’ ‘I don’ t see why not.’ “贾森也能来吗,爸爸?” “当然可以。”

-   (I’ ll) be seeing you spoken
used for saying goodbye to someone you know , when you are not sure when you will see them again
-   I’ ll/we’ ll have to see spoken
used for saying that you are not able to decide now

‘How long can you stay?’ ‘I’ ll have to see.’ “你能呆多久?” “我得看看再说。”

-   let me see/let’ s see spoken
used for saying that you are thinking about something or trying to remember something

It must have been, let me see, 10 years ago. 应该是,我想想,10年前的事了。

-   not see beyond the end of your nose
to think about yourself so much that you do not notice what is happening around you
-   now I’ ve seen everything/it all spoken
used for saying that you find something very shocking or surprising

A child divorcing his parents? Now I’ ve seen it all! 一个小孩让父母离婚?真是不可思议!

-   see the back of sb informal
to no longer have to deal with someone or something unpleasant

She was glad to see the back of him. 她很高兴再也不用与他打交道了。

-   seebothsides
to understand both of the opinions or arguments in a situation
-   see sth coming spoken
to notice or realize that something is going to happen
-   see sb coming (a mile off) spoken
to realize that someone is very easy to trick or cheat
-   see sb/sth for sth
to realize what someone or something is really like , especially when this is worse than they appear to be

I can now see him for the liar he really is. 我现在能看出他真是个骗子。

He finally saw her for what she was. 他最终看透了她是什么样的人。

-   see for yourself
to check what someone has told you by looking at it

It’ s all gone – see for yourself. 都没有了,你自己去看看。

-   see how it goes/things go spoken
used for saying that a decision about a situation will be made after allowing it to develop for a period of time
-   see if/whether you can do sth spoken
to try to do something

I’ ll see if I can find out what he’ s up to. 我试试看能否弄清楚他在偷偷地干什么。

-   see the last of
to never see someone or something again
-   see the light
to suddenly realize or understand something , usually in a way that improves your life

Dad has finally seen the light and bought a computer. 爸爸终于开窍,买了一台计算机。

-   see the light of day
to be available or shown to people in general

It’ s one of many films that never saw the light of day. 这是许多从未公映的电影中的一部。

-   seereason/sense
to change a decision because you realize that you are wrong

Maybe now they’ ll see reason and scrap the project. 或许现在他们能意识到错误而放弃该项目。

-   see sb right BRITISH spoken
to make sure that someone gets what they need , want , or are owed
-   see that sb does sth/that sth is done spoken
to make sure that someone does something or that something happens

Can you see that everything’ s ready in time? 你能确保每件事情都按时准备好吗?

-   see your way (clear) to do sth spoken
used when you are asking someone if they would be willing to do something

Could you see your way clear to lending me a fiver? 你可以借我5英镑吗?

-   see what sb is (really) made of
to find out how good or strong someone really is
-   seewhat you can do spoken
to try to help

Bring the car over tomorrow and I’ ll see what I can do. 明天把车开来,我看看能做些什么。

-   see you spoken
used for saying goodbye to someone you know when you expect to see them again soon
-   see you later spoken
used for saying goodbye to someone you know when you expect to see them again soon , especially later the same day
-   seen against sth
considered in relation to something

Seen against this background, the decision should not surprise anyone. 考虑到这个背景,这个决定应该不会让人惊讶。

-   we’ ll see spoken
used for saying that you will decide later

‘Can we go to the park this afternoon, Mum?’ ‘We’ ll see.’ “我们今天下午能去公园吗,妈妈?” “到时再说吧。”

-   you see spoken
used when you are explaining something

You see, Harry’ s coming this afternoon, so I can’ t come. 你知道,哈里今天下午要来,所以我不能来。

-   you’ ll see spoken
used for telling someone that they will find out you are right about something

It will be wonderful, you’ ll see. 它会非常棒的,你就等着瞧吧。

ˌsee aˈbout
see about sth: to deal with or organize something 处理;办理;安排

I must go and see about this job. 我得去安排一下这项工作。

see about doing sth Can you see about getting us a lift home? 你能安排让我们搭车回家吗?

a used for saying that you are not able to decide now 我们现在还不能决定
b used for saying that you are not going to let someone do something they are intending to do 我们走着瞧吧(用于表示想阻止某人做某事)
ˌsee aˈround
1 see sb around: to notice someone often in places you go to regularly 常看见

I’ ve never actually met her, but I’ ve seen her around. 我从没真正和她会过面,但我常看见她。

1a used for saying goodbye to someone when you are not sure when you will meet them again 有机会再见
2 see around see around sth: BRITISH  to examine a place by walking around it 四处查看

What a beautiful house! I’ d love to see around it. 真是一栋漂亮的房子!我很愿意四处看看。

ˈsee in
1  T  see sth in sb/sth: to recognize a particular quality in someone or something 看出,发现(某人或某物的特质)

I thought I saw a glimmer of sympathy in Ben’ s eyes. 我想我看见本的眼睛里闪过一丝同情。

1a to not understand why one person finds another person attractive or likes them 不明白某人看中某人什么

I don’ t know what you see in him, I think he’ s boring. 我不明白你看中他什么,我觉得他很沉闷。

2  T  see sb in: to welcome a visitor to a building and take them to where they want to go 迎候;带领进入

The ambassador waited on the steps to see the visiting dignitaries in. 大使在台阶上恭候着来访的贵宾。

3  I  to see the inside of a building through a window or open door (从窗户或开着的门)看到房内

People can see in from the street. 人们可以从街上看到屋里。

-   see in the New Year
to celebrate the beginning of a year by staying awake until midnight
ˌsee ˈoff
1 to go somewhere such as a station or airport with someone in order to say goodbye to them 为…送行

Anne saw Terry off at the station. 安妮到车站为特里送行。

2 to make someone go away or leave a place , especially by chasing them 赶出;逐出

The dogs will soon see off any burglars. 这些狗会立即把任何盗贼赶出去。

3 to deal successfully with someone or something , especially by defeating them easily (成功地)应付;(尤指轻易地)战胜

The England team saw off a tired-looking Poland 3–1. 英格兰队以3比1战胜了看起来筋疲力尽的波兰队。

ˌsee ˈout
1 see sb out: to go with someone to the door when they are leaving in order to say goodbye to them 送…出门

My secretary will see you out. 我的秘书将送你出去。

1a to find your way out of a place you are visiting without help 自己出去

I can see myself out. 我能自己找到路出去。

2 to continue to the end of a period of time or an activity 持续到…结束

He will see out the year remaining on his contract. 他会完成他今年的合同。

3 see sb out: if something sees you out , it lasts longer than the time you live 活得比…长

These are good strong shoes and they’ ll probably see me out. 这是些很结实的鞋,有可能我一辈子都穿不坏。

-   see out the Old Year
to celebrate the end of a year
ˌsee ˈover
see over sth: to walk around a place or building and look at what is there 四周察看(房屋)
ˌsee ˈround
ˌsee ˈthrough
1 see through sth: to recognize that something is not true and not be tricked by it 看穿,识破(骗局等)

We can all see through your little game, Adam. 我们都能看穿你的小把戏,亚当。

1a see through sbto realize what someone is really like or what they are really doing and not be tricked by them 看穿,识破(某人)

I’ m not fooled that easily. I can see right through you. 我不是那么好骗的,我能将你完全看透。

2 see sth through: to continue doing something until it is finished , especially something unpleasant or difficult 把…做完(尤指令人不快或困难的事)

Having come this far, she was determined to see things through. 既然走到这么远了,她决定把事情做到底。

3 see sb through (sth): to make it possible for someone to continue to the end of something , especially something unpleasant or difficult 使(某人)得以维持到(尤指不快或困难之事的)最后

They had enough food to see them through the winter. 他们有足够的食物以度过这个冬天。

ˈsee to
see to sth: to deal with or take charge of someone or something 办理;照料

You try to get some sleep, I’ ll see to the children’ s breakfast. 你去睡一会儿,我来料理孩子们的早餐。

haveget sth seen to You’ d better take her to hospital and get her ankle seen to. 你最好把她送到医院治治她的脚踝。

see to it that I should have seen to it that she was told. 我本应该确保通知到她的。

See also
dead 1
eye 1
red 2




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