

单词 social
social 1 ★★★
1 relating to society and to people’ s lives in general 社会的

They try to address social problems such as unemployment and poor health. 他们试图处理诸如失业和健康状况差等社会问题。

social justice The interests of big companies are rarely compatible with social justice. 大公司的利益很少与社会正义相一致。

social change a period of enormous political and social change 政治和社会大变革时期

social conditions There has been a progressive deterioration of the social conditions of small farmers. 小农场主的社会状况已逐渐恶化。

1a relating to the position that someone has in society in relation to other people 社会地位的;社会阶层的;社会上的

a judgment about someone based on their social background 根据社会背景对某人作出的判断

The evidence shows a relationship between crime and social class. 这个证据表明犯罪和社会阶层有关系。

2 relating to activities that involve being with other people , especially activities that you do for pleasure 社交活动的;交际的

a social activity/engagement/get-together 社交活动/约会/聚会

social contact The worst thing about working at home is the lack of social contact. 在家工作的最不利之处是缺乏社会交往。

a social call (=a visit for the purpose of pleasure, not business) This is not a social call. I’ m afraid I have some bad news. 社交拜访

2a relating to rules about behaviour with other people 社交的

social skills (=how good you are at meeting and dealing with people) We need someone with excellent social skills. 社交能力

social graces (=manners) The children still need to learn a few social graces. 那些孩子应该上一些礼仪课。

2b a social person enjoys being with other people 好交际的;合群的
3 used for describing animals that live in groups rather than alone (动物)群居的




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