

单词 acknowledge
acknowledge ★★
VERB  T   
1 to accept or admit that something exists, is true , or is real 承认

He never acknowledges his mistakes (=admits that he has made them) . 他从来不承认自己的错误。

+that She won’ t acknowledge that there’ s a problem. 她不会承认有问题。

1a to know or recognize that someone or something is important 承认…的重要性

acknowledge sth as being/to be sth Wimbledon is widely acknowledged as being the premier tennis tournament. 温布尔登(网球赛)被公认为第一大网球赛事。

2 to let someone know that you have received something they sent you 告知(收悉);确认(收到)

Unfortunately, we cannot acknowledge all the letters we receive. 遗憾的是我们无法对收到的所有信件都予以告知。

acknowledge receipt of sth We will acknowledge receipt of your order if requested. 我们会应要求确认收到您的订单。

2a to thank someone for something they have done or given you , especially in writing or by saying it publicly (尤指以书面形式或公开地)就…表示感谢

We gratefully acknowledge the contributions of everyone who helped us. 我们衷心感谢每一位帮助我们的人所付出的努力。

3 to show that you have seen someone or that you recognize them , for example by smiling or speaking to them 跟…打招呼;答理

They barely acknowledge each other in public. 他们在公共场合几乎不互相打招呼。

acknowledge sb’ s presence James acknowledged his lawyer’ s presence with a small nod. 见到他的律师到场詹姆斯微微地点了点头。

3a to show that you are grateful to people who are clapping or cheering for you by waving your hand , nodding your head etc 对(掌声或欢呼声)挥手(或点头)致谢

She stood back and acknowledged the applause of the crowd. 她往后一站,向观众的掌声致谢。





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