

单词 sacrifice
sacrifice 2
1  C/U  the act of giving up something important or valuable so that you or other people can do or have something else 牺牲

Most of the speeches on D-Day will focus on the sacrifice of the World War II generation. 关于进攻开始日那天的演讲大部分聚焦于第二次世界大战那一代人的牺牲。

make sacrifices Making sacrifices is always a part of bringing up children. 作出牺牲向来是抚养孩子的一部分。

2  C/U  the act of killing a person or animal as part of a ceremony to honour a god or spirit 献祭

Animal sacrifice is an important ritual in this religion. 献祭动物是这种宗教的重要仪式。

2a  C  a person or animal killed to honour a god or spirit 祭品;供品;祭牲

Goats were offered as sacrifices to the gods. 山羊被当作献给神的祭品。

3  C  in baseball , an occasion when someone hits the ball so that a runner can move ahead to the next base , even though the person hitting the ball is then out (棒球中的)牺牲打




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