

单词 achieve
achieve ★★★
 T  to succeed in doing or having what you planned or intended , usually after a lot of effort (通常指付出很大努力后)完成,实现,达到

The Republic of Tunisia achieved independence from France in 1957. 突尼斯共和国于1957年脱离法国赢得独立。

the first signs that a breakthrough had been achieved 取得突破的最初标志

We have achieved what we set out to do. 我们完成了想要做的事情。

a  I  to be successful by being determined or working hard (因决心或努力而)成功

Many managers are driven by a desire to achieve. 许多经理是受成功欲望所驱使的。

b  T  to become popular , famous , or successful , especially after a long time or after a lot of effort (尤指长时间或付出很大努力之后而)出(名),成(名)

actors who achieve fame and fortune in Hollywood 在好莱坞名利双收的演员

His paintings did not achieve the popularity of his books. 他的画作不如他的书受欢迎。

achievable  adj 
An achievement is like a building , and the process of achieving is like the process of building.
They built up the business over 20 years.他们20年来把生意越做越大。
The organization was built on traditional principles.该组织以传统原则为思想基础。
This web site is still under construction.该网站还在建设中。
They laid the foundations for future success with a carefully balanced range of products.他们认真考虑的产品范围为将来的成功打下了基础。
This was the blueprint for success.这是成功的蓝图。
She was the architect of the company’ s expansion overseas.她是公司海外扩张的设计师。
It is a towering achievement.这是一项杰出的成就。
These developments threatened the whole edifice of government.这些新情况威胁到了政府的整个宏图大业。
All her life’ s work was in ruins.她一辈子的工作都毁了。
Strong foreign markets are the building blocks of a successful economy.繁荣兴旺的国外市场是成功经济的基石。
Everything seemed to come crashing down around them.对他们来说好像所有的一切都毁了。
See also ->idea
See also ->method
See also ->success




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