

单词 beautiful
beautiful ★★★
1 a beautiful person is extremely attractive (人)漂亮的,美丽的

Their mother was a very beautiful woman. 他们的母亲是个非常漂亮的女人。

my five beautiful kids 我的5个漂亮的孩子

You don’ t have to be young to be beautiful. 人不一定年轻才美丽。

1a something that is beautiful is very pleasant to look at (事物)美的,悦目的

That dress is really beautiful. 那条连衣裙确实很漂亮。

2 very pleasant 令人愉快的;美好的

The weather has been beautiful this week. 这个星期的天气十分宜人。

It was a beautiful dream. 这是个美梦。

3 done or made very well or with a lot of skill (完成得)出色的,极好的

The second goal was beautiful. 第二个球进得非常漂亮。

He makes beautiful ice-cream. 他会做很精致的冰淇淋。

beautifully  adv 

They were all beautifully dressed. 他们都穿得很漂亮。

Other ways of saying :  beautiful
attractive used for describing men and women whose looks make other people sexually interested in them
good-looking used for describing adults and older children who are nice to look at. In spoken English, good-looking is more usual than handsome for describing men.
handsome used for describing men who are nice to look at
pretty used for describing young women and girls who have nice faces
gorgeous used for emphasizing that someone looks very beautiful, especially when their clothes and hair are also very special非常漂亮的(用于强调某人非常漂亮,尤指当穿着和头发也非常特别时): You look absolutely gorgeous in that dress.你穿那条连衣裙显得漂亮极了。
striking used for describing someone who looks interesting or unusual in an attractive way引人注目的,与众不同的(用于描述某人看起来很有趣或不寻常但很有吸引力): a tall striking woman十分引人注目的高个子女人
cute used for describing children who are nice to look at and behave in a way that makes people like them. It is also used for describing a man or woman that you find sexually attractive漂亮的,逗人喜爱的(用于描述长得好看和举止讨人喜欢的孩子。也用来表示性感的男人或女人): Johnny was the cutest toddler I ever saw.约翰尼是我见过的最惹人喜欢的小宝贝儿。There’ s this really cute guy in my office.我的办公室里有这么个真正漂亮的人。




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