

单词 criticize
criticize ★★
1  I/T  to say what you think is wrong or bad about something 批评;批判;指责

Ministers were told not to criticize the policy publicly. 部长们被告知不许公开批评这项政策。

It was difficult to be honest without seeming to criticize. 很难做到既真诚又看不出是在批评。

criticize sb/sth for (doing) sth Public health experts criticize the proposals for not going far enough. 公共卫生专家批评那些提议不够深入。

be strongly/severely/widely/sharply/heavily criticized Social services were widely criticized for not taking more action to protect children at risk. 社会服务工作因没有采取更多行动以保护处境危险的孩子而遭到广泛批评。

2  T  to consider something carefully and judge what the good and bad aspects of it are 评价;评论
Criticizing someone or speaking in an angry and unpleasant way to them is like hitting or injuring them.
She hit out angrily at the judge’ s decision.她生气地指责法官的判决。
He lashed out at me, accusing me of not caring.他痛斥我漠不关心。
They tore me to pieces/shreds.他们把我批得体无完肤。
They rapped me over the knuckles about it.他们因这事斥责我。
They were gunning for me.他们在攻击我。
Don’ t beat yourself up over this.别为这件事苛责自己。
Don’ t knock what you don’ t understand.不要对不懂的事乱发评论。
There’ s no need to jump down my throat.没有必要那样攻击我。
See also ->angry
See also ->argument
See also ->feeling




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