

单词 red
red 1 ★★★
1 something that is red is the same colour as blood . If something is similar to this colour , you can say that it is a reddish colour 红色的

She was wearing bright red lipstick. 她涂着鲜红的口红。

Kelly felt her face turn red with embarrassment. 凯利感觉羞愧得满脸通红。

2 red hair is a red-brown or orange colour (头发)褐红色的
3 red wine is dark red or purple in colour (葡萄酒)深红色的
4 informal   an insulting word meaning socialist or Communist (侮辱性用语)社会主义的,共产党的
-   go as red as a beetroot
to become very red in the face , especially when you are embarrassed
-   go red
to become red in the face because you are embarrassed

He tried to deny it, but he went very red. 他竭力否认,但还是羞愧得满脸通红。

-   a red rag to a bull BRITISH
something that will make someone very angry
-   roll out the red carpet for sb
to give special treatment to an important visitor
See also
paint 1




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