/pʌf/ |
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1 | I/T to smoke a cigarette , pipe etc 吸,抽(烟、烟斗等) | +on/at Grandad sat in the corner and puffed on his pipe. 爷爷坐在角落里抽烟斗。 | |
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2 | I to breathe or blow out air noisily, especially because you have been running , climbing etc (尤指跑步、攀登之后)气喘吁吁,喘息 | He was puffing a bit when he reached the top. 到达顶部的时候他有点气喘。 | | huff and puff I could hear Mrs Mancini huffing and puffing behind me. 我听得到身后曼西尼夫人气喘吁吁。 | | 2a | to move while making a sound like someone breathing noisily (像人喘气般)喷着气移动 | | +along/up/down etc The little train puffed along. 小火车扑哧扑哧喷着蒸汽向前移动。 | | |
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3 | I/T to say something in a way that shows you are annoyed and offended, especially when this makes you look rather silly (尤指显得很愚蠢地)咆哮,怒吼 | ‘How dare you?’ he puffed. “你怎么敢?”他咆哮道。 | |
- | ˌpuff ˈout |
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1 | I/T if air or smoke puffs out , or you puff it out , you blow it out with a short breath 喷出,吐出(气或烟) | He puffed out a cloud of smoke from his cigar. 他抽着雪茄,喷云吐雾。 | |
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2 | T if you puff out your cheeks or your chest , you fill them with air so that they look bigger (脸颊或胸部)充气鼓起,鼓起 |
- | ˌpuff ˈup |
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1 | I/T if something puffs up or you puff it up , it looks bigger, usually because it has air in it (通常因充气而)膨胀 | When the biscuits puff up and turn brown they are ready. 饼膨胀并变成褐色的时候就做好了。 | |
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2 | I to swell because of an injury or illness (因受伤或疾病而)肿胀 | The next day his face had really puffed up. 第2天,他的脸真的肿了起来。 | |