/ˈprɪmətɪv/ |
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1 | at a very simple stage of development , before modern technology 原始的 |
| a primitive society/tribe 原始社会/部落 |
| 1a | relating to a very early stage in the development of humans, animals, or plants (人、动物或植物发展)早期的 | | primitive man/life 原始人/生活 | | primitive creatures like jellyfish and corals 诸如水母和珊瑚虫之类的原始生物 | |
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2 | very simple in design (设计)简单的 |
| primitive tools 简单的工具 |
| a primitive camera 简易相机 |
| 2a | old-fashioned , simple and without modern features or comforts 老式的;简陋的;简朴的 | | The conditions in the camp were fairly primitive. 露营地的条件相当简陋。 | | a remote and primitive cottage in the mountains 山间偏僻简陋的村舍 | |
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3 | natural and done or experienced without thinking 自然的;未经思考的 |
| a primitive instinct 自然的本能 |