

单词 nonsense
nonsense ★★
1  singular/U  ideas, behaviour , or statements that are not true or sensible 愚蠢的想法;胡闹;胡说

So you believe the nonsense about ghosts? 那么你相信有关鬼神的胡说八道啰?

it is nonsense to do sth It is nonsense to say that they’ re not paid enough. 说他们没有得到足够的报酬,那真是荒谬。

it is nonsense for sb to do sth It is nonsense for her to say you’ re not qualified. 她说你不能胜任,那是胡扯。

absolute/utter/complete/total nonsense These accusations are absolute nonsense. 这些指控纯属胡说。

a load of nonsense That’ s a load of nonsense. 真是胡说八道。

talk nonsense I think he was talking nonsense! 我认为他在胡扯!

1a to make something seem unreasonable 使荒谬;搅乱

They omitted one factor that would make a nonsense of their plans. 他们忽略了一个会搅乱他们计划的因素。

2  U  unreasonable or annoying behaviour 冒失的行为

Come on, no nonsense, put that coat on and don’ t argue. 得了,别胡来,穿上那件外套,不要再争了。

not stand/put up with/take (any) nonsense I don’ t stand any nonsense from anybody. 我不能忍受任何人胡来。

3 only before noun nonsense words or sounds seem like ordinary words but they have no meaning 无意义的话

a nonsense poem 一首毫无意义的诗





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