

单词 point
point 2 ★★★
1  I/T  to show something by holding out your finger or a long thin object (用手指或狭长的物体)指,指向

Don’ t point. They’ ll know we’ re looking at them. 不要用手指。他们会知道我们在看他们。

He pointed his stick in the direction of the path. 他用他的手杖指着小路的方向。

+at She pointed at the ice cream that she wanted. 她指着她想要的冰淇淋。

+to He pointed to the dog as it ran towards them. 他指着朝他们跑去的狗。

2  I  to show a particular direction or place , usually using a sign or symbol (通常利用标记或符号)标明,表示(方向或地点)

The arrow pointed left towards the exit door. 箭头向左标明出口处的门。

Is the little hand pointing to 3 or 4? 小手指向的是3还是4?

3  T  to aim an object at someone or something 将…瞄准;将…对准

All you have to do is point the camera and shoot. 你所要做的只是将照相机对准然后进行拍摄。

point sth at/towards sb/sth He pointed his rifle at the deer and pulled the trigger. 他用步枪瞄准那头鹿,然后扣动扳机。

4  I/T  to show someone the direction in which they should go 为…指明方向;指路

Could you point me in the direction of the lobby? 你能为我指一下去大堂的方向吗?

4a to show someone what they should do 表明,指出(该做的事情)

The results of the study will point towards areas for further research. 研究的结果将表明哪些领域还需要进一步研究。

a great thinker who was pointing the way to the future 指明未来方向的伟大思想家

5  I/T  to stretch your toes as if you were trying to make them form a straight line with your leg 绷直(脚趾)
6  T  to repair a wall by putting new cement or mortar between the stones or bricks (用新水泥或灰浆)勾嵌(砖墙或石头墙)
-   point the/a finger (at sb)
to accuse someone or suggest that they are guilty of something bad
ˌpoint ˈout
1 to show someone who a person is or where something is 指出;指明

He pointed out the best beaches on the map. 他在地图上指出了最宜人的沙滩。

2 to tell someone something 指出;告知

Thank you for pointing that out. 谢谢你指出那件事情。

+that He pointed out that we had two hours of free time before dinner. 他说我们在晚餐前还有两个小时的自由时间。

ˈpoint to
to show the truth or importance of something 表明(真相或重要性)

The evidence clearly points to her guilt. 证据清楚地表明她有罪。

ˌpoint ˈup
to emphasize something 强调;突出

Her research points up the difficulty of finding a solution. 她的研究突出了寻求解决方案的困难。





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