

单词 false
false ★★
1 not true 假的;不真实的

The report was dismissed as totally false. 报告因完全失实而被驳回。

a false statement/claim/accusation 虚假的陈述/断言/指控

2 based on a mistake or on wrong information 谬误的;错误的

a false impression/belief/hope The media gave the world a false impression of life in the city. 关于这个城市的生活媒体给了世人一种错误印象。

3 made to look like something real 假的;人造的;人工的

false eyelashes 人造睫毛

3a not real and intended to trick people 伪造的;假的

a false passport 假护照

4 not showing what you really feel or intend 假装的;不真诚的

This is no time for false modesty. 这不是假装谦虚的时候。

a false smile 假笑

-   false positive/negative
an incorrect result of a scientific test
-   a false sense of security
the feeling of being safer than you really are
-   under/by false pretences
if you get something under false pretences, you get it by tricking people

He obtained money by false pretences. 他用欺骗手段获取钱财。

falsely  adv 

My brother was falsely accused of murder. 我哥哥被诬告犯有谋杀罪。

She smiled falsely. 她笑得很假。

  Words frequently used with false
  false 的常见搭配词
  adverbs   blatantly, completely, entirely, patently, totally, utterly,
  nouns   accusation, allegation, assumption, belief, claim, description, impression, statement,
Other ways of saying :  false
imitation made to look like something else, usually something more expensive仿制的,模仿的(通常指较昂贵的物品): imitation leather仿造的皮革。
artificial made to have the same features or do the same job as something else that exists naturally人造的;人工的: artificial cream/sweeteners/flavourings人造奶油/甜味剂/调味品。
fake made to look like something valuable or important, often in a way that is meant to trick people假冒的,仿制的,假的(仿制昂贵或重要的东西,常用以骗人): fake jewellery or fur假珠宝或毛皮。
forged made to look exactly like something valuable or important and used illegally to trick people伪造的,假的(非法仿制昂贵或重要的东西来骗人): a forged signature/passport/painting伪造的签名/护照/画。
counterfeit made to look exactly like something valuable or important and used illegally to trick people: used especially for describing illegally produced money(尤指钞票)伪造的: counterfeit currency/traveller’ s cheques假钞/旅行支票。
phoney (informal) used for describing behaviour and emotions that are not natural or sincere(行为、感情)伪装的,不真诚的: He didn’ t fool anyone with that phoney Italian accent.他那假的意大利口音没有骗过任何人。
bogus (informal) false and used for tricking people or pretending to be somebody you are not伪造的;假冒的: bogus auto parts伪造的汽车零件a bogus repairman假冒的修理工。
pirate used for describing copies of things such as books or videos that have been made and sold illegally(书或录像带)盗版的: They were caught selling pirate copies of the album.他们销售盗版专辑时被抓。




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