

单词 piece
piece 1 ★★★
NOUN  C   
1 +of an individual object of a particular type 一个,一件(东西)

I’ ve used four pieces of paper already. 我已经用掉了4张纸。

Power tools can be expensive pieces of equipment. 动力工具可能会是价格昂贵的设备。

1a a single instance of something of a particular type 一件(或个、张、则等)

a piece of work/writing/research 一件工作/一篇文章/一项研究

a piece of nonsense 一派胡言

a piece of music 一支乐曲

a piece of information/advice/news 一则信息/建议/新闻

2 a part that has been cut , broken , or separated from something larger (整体的)部分,部件,碎片,碎块

He divided the dough into four pieces. 他把面团分成4块。

+of The longest piece of wood was over four metres. 最长的那段木头有4米多长。

Can I offer you another piece of cake? 再给你来一块蛋糕好吗?

a piece of land 一块土地

2a a part that you fit together with other parts to make something (成套物品的)部件,部分

I didn’ t expect the furniture to arrive in pieces. 我没想到家具送来的时候是散件。

take sth to pieces (=separate it into parts) We had to take the bed to pieces to get it down the stairs. 把某物拆开

3 +of a single instance or amount of something of a particular type 一个;一件;一则;一项

a piece of information/advice/evidence/legislation 一则信息/一个忠告/一条证据/一项立法

a piece of work 一件工作

I have another piece of news for you. 我还有一则消息要告诉你。

4 a written , musical , or artistic work that someone has produced (写作、音乐或艺术的)作品

This vase is a particularly beautiful piece. 这个花瓶是件特别漂亮的作品。

+of a piece of music/sculpture/poetry 一支乐曲/一件雕塑/一首诗

4a an article in a newspaper or magazine , or a part of a television or radio programme (报刊、电视或广播节目中的)文章

My search began after reading a piece in the Daily Mirror. 我是在读了《每日镜报》一篇文章之后开始我的搜寻的。

write/do a piece on/about sth He had previously written an investigative piece about the killings. 他先前曾就那些谋杀事件写过一篇调查性的文章。

5 an object that you move in a board game 棋子

chess pieces 国际象棋棋子

6 AMERICAN  informal   a gun 枪
7 a coin that has a particular value (某种面值的)硬币

a ten-pence piece 10便士的硬币

7a an old word meaning ‘coin’ (coin 的古时用语)

pieces of silver 银币

-   (all) of a piece
the same as something else or as the rest of something

This latest action is all of a piece with his previous behaviour. 他最近的这一举措与先前的行为并无二致。

-   give sb a piece of your mind informal
to speak very angrily to someone because they have done something wrong
-   go to pieces informal
to be so nervous or worried that you cannot behave in a sensible way

If we mentioned the incident, she was likely to go to pieces. 如果我们提到这件事,她很可能会垮掉。

-   in one piece
not badly damaged or injured

As far as I know, Barbara is still in one piece. 据我所知,芭芭拉并没有什么大碍。

-   a piece of cake informal
something that is very easy to do
-   a piece of the puzzle/jigsaw
a part of a complicated or continuing situation that helps you to understand it

Fortunately, the next step in the research process supplied the missing piece of the puzzle. 幸运的是,研究进程中的下一步提供了谜团中所缺失的那一部分。

-   a piece of piss BRITISH very informal
something that is very easy to do
-   pull/rip/tear etc/sb/sth to pieces
to criticize someone or something severely

Every suggestion was pulled to pieces by the committee. 每一项建议都被委员会批评得一无是处。

-   smash/break/tear etc sth to pieces
to break or destroy something completely

The furniture had been smashed to pieces. 家具已经被砸得稀巴烂了。

See also
bit 2
conversation piece
party piece
pick up
pieces of eight
set piece
say 1
nasty 1




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