

单词 pick
pick 1 ★★★
VERB  T   
1 to choose someone or something from a group 挑选;选择

Out of all the girls he could have gone out with, he picked me. 在所有可能会和他一起出去的女孩子当中他挑选了我。

pick sb/sth for sth The following season he was picked for the national squad. 在接下来的那个赛季中他入选了国家队。

pick sb to do sth My friends picked me to ask the teacher. 我的朋友们挑选我去问老师。

1a to choose the people you want to have in a particular group 选拔,挑选(团队成员)

He will pick the team for Saturday’ s match tomorrow. 他明天将挑选出参加星期六比赛的队伍。

I haven’ t picked my team yet for the new project. 我还没有选定参与新项目的队伍成员。

2 to take something with your fingers (用手)拣,摘

He was on his knees picking crumbs off the carpet. 他正跪在那儿拣地毯上的碎屑。

2a to get flowers or fruit by breaking them off their stems 采,摘(花、水果)

They spent the summer picking strawberries. 他们整个夏天都在采摘草莓。

freshly picked flowers 刚摘的花朵

3 pick to keep pulling something with your nails (用指甲)抠,剔,掏,扒

She sits and picks the loose skin on her feet. 她坐着抠脚上的老皮。

4 MAINLY AMERICAN  to play a guitar or similar instrument by pulling the strings with your fingers 拨弄,弹拨(吉他或类似乐器的琴弦)
-   pick and choose (sth)
to have the chance to choose the things you prefer , rather than simply accepting what someone gives you

We cannot pick and choose which laws to obey. 在法律的遵守问题上我们不可能挑挑拣拣。

-   pick sb’ s brains informal
to ask someone questions because you want them to give you advice or information

I wanted to pick your brains about this idea I’ ve had. 对于我的这个主意我想听听你的意见。

-   pick a fight/quarrel with sb
to start a fight or argument with someone
-   pickholes in sth
to try and make an idea or piece of work seem bad by finding all the things that are wrong or missing

It was almost impossible to pick holes in his argument. 他的论点几乎无懈可击。

-   pick a lock
to open a lock without a key , for example by using a piece of wire
-   pick your nose
to use your finger to remove mucus from inside your nose
-   pick sb’ s pocket
to steal things from someone’ s pocket
-   pick your teeth
to remove small pieces of food from between your teeth
-   pick sth to pieces informal
to mention all the bad features of something and make it seem generally bad
-   pick your way somewhere
to move somewhere slowly and carefully when there are a lot of things in your way
-   pick a winner informal
to make a good decision that makes you successful
ˈpick at
1 to eat only small amounts of a meal because you do not feel hungry (因不饿而)只吃一点,挑挑拣拣地吃

Most of the time he just picks at his food. 大部分时间,他只是挑挑拣拣地吃了一点点。

2 pick13

He picked at a loose thread on his coat. 他在拽外套上一个松了的线头。

ˌpick ˈoff
to shoot people , animals, or aircraft one by one by aiming at them carefully from a distance (从远处)逐个瞄准射杀(人、动物),逐个击落(飞机)
ˈpick on
pick on sb: to keep treating someone badly or unfairly, especially by criticizing them 找…的茬;与…过不去;(尤指)不公正地责备…

Why do you always pick on me? 你为什么老和我过不去?

a used for telling someone to stop criticizing or attacking someone who is smaller or weaker than them 别欺负弱小
ˌpick ˈout
1 to choose one thing or person from a group 挑选;挑出

Have you picked out a dress for the party? 你选好参加聚会穿的套裙了吗?

2 to recognize someone or something from a group 认出;识别出

You can pick out a liar by the nervous way they act. 从其紧张的行为中你就可以认出说谎者。

3 to see someone or something when they are difficult to see 易于辩认;变得显眼

The yellow coat makes her easier to pick out in a crowd. 黄色的大衣使她在人群中变得非常显眼。

3a to shine a light on someone or something so that they are easy to see 向…投射光线(以使其容易被看到)

A woman in the crowd was picked out by a spotlight. 聚光灯照在了人群中的一位妇女身上。

3b to make something easy to see by painting or making it in a different colour from what surrounds it (用不同的颜色)把…衬托出来

the symbol of a flame picked out in yellow and red 以黄色和红色衬托出的醒目的火焰标志

ˌpick ˈover
1 to examine a collection of things carefully so that you can decide which ones you want 精挑细选;仔细挑拣

Birds were picking over the rubbish washed up on the beach. 鸟儿们仔细挑啄着被冲上沙滩的垃圾。

2 to talk about something in detail 详尽讲述

They spent ages picking over the flaws in his character. 他们花了好长时间挑剔他性格上的缺陷。

ˈpick ˌthrough
pick through sth: to search through a collection of things in order to find something 搜查;搜寻

They are picking through the ruins, searching for survivors. 他们正在废墟中寻找生还者。

ˌpick ˈup
1  T  to lift someone or something up from a surface 拿起;举起

He picked the phone up and dialled. 他拿起电话拨了号码。

She rushes to pick up the baby as soon as it starts to cry. 婴儿刚一哭,她就奔过去把它抱了起来。

1a  T  to lift things up and put them in the place where they are kept in order to make a place tidy 妥善安放;收拾

I’ ve already asked them to pick their toys up. 我早就叫他们把玩具收拾好了。

I am constantly picking up the things the children leave lying around. 我一直在收拾孩子们扔得到处都是的东西。

1b  I/T  to make a place clean and tidy 整理,收拾(某个地方)
1c  T  to lift something up and take it away 拿起并带走

Pick up a leaflet from your doctor’ s. 顺便从你的医生那里拿一份传单。

2  T  to go and meet someone or something that you have arranged to take somewhere in a vehicle 用车接(某人),用车取(某物)

Will you pick me up after the party? 聚会后你开车来接我好吗?

I’ ll pick up my luggage in the morning. 早晨我会开车来拿行李。

2a to take someone who is waiting by the road into your vehicle and take them somewhere 搭载(某人)

We picked up a hitchhiker on the way. 我们在路上捎了一位搭便车旅行的人。

2b to arrest someone and take them away in a car 逮捕并用车带走(某人)

He was picked up in the early hours of Thursday morning. 他是星期四一大早被捕并用车带走的。

3  T  to learn a new skill or start a habit without intending to (无意间)学会(新技能),开始养成(习惯)

She picked up a few German phrases while staying in Berlin. 在柏林期间,她学会了几句德语。

3a to get an illness 患(病);染(病)

Most tourists are worried that they’ ll pick up a nasty stomach bug. 很多游客都担心他们会出现肠胃不适的毛病。

3b to buy something 买;购买

a market where you can pick up some amazing bargains 一个可以买到非常廉价的便宜货的市场

3c to receive an electronic signal on a radio or similar piece of equipment 接收(电子信号)

I don’ t think this thing can pick up foreign stations. 我认为这东西收听不了外国电台。

3d to earn money 赚(钱)

the huge salaries that footballers pick up these days 当今足球运动员们赚取的巨额薪金

3e to win something such as a prize 获得(奖品等)

The film is tipped to pick up at least three Oscars. 有消息说该电影至少会获得3项奥斯卡奖。

4  T  to notice a smell or sound , or that someone or something is present 闻到(气味);听到(声音);注意到(某人或某物)

The dogs must have picked up his scent. 狗一定是嗅出了他的气息。

5  T  informal   to start talking to someone because you want to have sex with them 勾引;调情

She went home with some man she picked up in a bar. 她和在酒吧里勾搭上的某个男人回家了。

6  I/T  to start something again , from the point where you stopped 重新开始

We’ ll pick up this conversation when I come back. 我回来时我们再继续这次谈话。

pick up where you left off He seems to think that we can get back together and just pick up where we left off. 他似乎认为我们可以一起回到原处并从那里重新开始。

7  I  to improve 改善;提高

They won’ t let him out of hospital until his health has picked up quite a lot. 除非他的健康状况有相当大的好转,否则他们不会让他出院的。

7a if something such as the wind picks up , it becomes stronger (风等)变强,变猛烈
7b if something picks up speed , it starts to move faster 加速
-   pick up the bill/tab informal
to pay for something

Her father picks up the tab for her expensive lifestyle. 她父亲为她奢华的生活方式付账。

-   pick up the pieces
to try to return to a normal life after a difficult experience
-   pick up the threads (of sth)
to return to a situation that existed before something went wrong
ˌpick ˈup ˌafter
pick up after sb: to make a place tidy after someone else has made a mess there 跟在…后面收拾(或整理)

I’ m fed up at having to pick up after you and your friends. 老是要帮你和你的朋友们收拾残局,我已经受够了。

ˌpick ˈup on
1 pick up on sth: to talk in more detail about something someone has mentioned 详尽地讲述(别人已提到的事)

I’ d just like to pick up on a couple of points that you made. 我只是想把你说的几点再详细讲解一下。

2 pick up on sth: to react to something that has happened or that you have noticed 对…作出反应

She had expected Dan to pick up on her insult. 她早就预料到丹会对她的侮辱作出反应。

3 to notice something that is not very obvious 注意到(不明显的东西)

This is something you would expect a skilled negotiator to pick up on. 这是只有老练的谈判者才会注意到的东西。

4 pick sb up on sth: to correct someone who has made a mistake or to criticize them for doing something wrong 修正,改正,指责(某人的错误)

She’ s always picking me up on my grammar. 她经常挑我的语法错误。





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