

单词 feeling
feeling 1 ★★★
1  C  an emotional state , for example anger or happiness 心情;感觉

+of Parents often experience deep feelings of guilt if their children fail. 如果孩子们失败了,父母常常会深感内疚。

1a  plural  emotions, especially when these are sensitive and likely to be affected by what other people say or do 感情;(尤指敏感的)情绪

He found it difficult to express his feelings. 他觉得很难表达自己的感情。

hurt sb’ s feelings (=upset someone) I didn’ t want to hurt his feelings. 伤害某人的感情

1b  singular  the emotional effect that a place has on you (某地的)感觉,气氛

There’ s a feeling of hopelessness about the place. 这个地方有一种绝望的气氛。

2  C  an opinion that you have about something , especially when it is based on general thoughts rather than definite reasons (尤指与理智相对而言的)感觉,直觉看法

My feeling is that we should wait a week or two. 我的感觉是我们应该等一两个星期。

+about Sarah has very strong feelings about environmental issues. 萨拉对环境问题的看法很激烈。

2a  U  the opinions of most people 普遍看法

The feeling is that the economy will continue to improve. 普遍认为经济将持续好转。

+on/about The minister underestimated the strength of public feeling on this issue. 在这个问题上部长低估了舆论的力量。

+against There is now strong national feeling against the nuclear plant. 现在全国对核电站群情激奋。

3  C  something you feel physically in your body (身体的)感觉,知觉

+of A feeling of nausea came over her. 她有一种恶心的感觉。

I suddenly had an overwhelming feeling of tiredness. 我突然感到疲惫不堪。

3a  U  the ability to feel pain , heat etc in your body (对疼痛、热量等的)感觉,知觉

When I woke up I had no feeling in my legs. 我醒来时双腿毫无知觉。

lose feeling in sth She had lost all feeling in her right arm. 她右臂完全失去了知觉。

-   bad/ill feeling
angry feelings that remain between people after a disagreement
-   feelings are running high
used for saying that people have very strong ideas or opinions about something
-   have/get a feeling (that)
to be conscious of something but not certain about it

I have a feeling we’ ve met before. 我觉得我们以前见过面。

I had the feeling she was watching me. 我感觉她在注视着我。

-   have/get a feeling for sth
to have or develop a natural ability to do something
-   have mixed feelings about sth
to like or approve of some aspects of a situation and not like or approve of other aspects

I had mixed feelings about meeting Laura again. 我对再次见到劳拉感觉很复杂。

-   I know the feeling spoken
used for showing sympathy
When something has an emotional effect on you, you feel as if you have been hit hard, shaken, touched , or injured .
当某种事物对情感产生影响时,会感觉似乎受到了沉重打击(hit hard)、震惊(shaken)、触动(touched)或伤害(injured)。
The news has hit him hard.这条消息给了他沉重的打击。
The news came as a blow.传来的消息是个打击。
I was reeling from the shock我惊呆了。
It had a huge impact on them.这对他们产生了巨大的影响。
We were very moved/touched by her story.我们被她的故事深深地打动了。
It was very upsetting.这非常令人不安。
It shook us to the core.这使我们极为震惊。
He made a stirring speech about duty and loyalty.他就职责和忠诚发表了振奋人心的演讲。
She’ s a real knockout.她迷人极了。
I was bowled over/blown away by her.她让我大吃一惊。
I was very torn: I didn’ t know what to do.我非常苦恼,不知道该怎么办。
You’ ve injured/hurt her feelings.你伤害了她的感情。
She made some very hurtful remarks.她说了一些很伤人的话。
It pains me to see you like this.看到你这样让我很痛苦。
It was agony waiting for the results.等待结果是痛苦的。
Sam looked a bit knocked back by the news萨姆看上去对这条消息有点儿吃惊。
See also ->angry
See also ->enthusiasm
See also ->happy
See also
hard 1
mutual 1 1b




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