

单词 warm
warm 2 ★★
VERB  T   
warm to make something or someone warm 使暖和;使温暖

Isat down and warmed my hands with a cup of hot coffee. 我坐了下来,用一杯热咖啡暖暖手。

The morning sun warms the kitchen nicely. 早晨的太阳把厨房晒得暖烘烘的。

ˈwarm to
warm to sb/sth: to begin to like someone or something 开始喜欢(某人或某物);对(某人或某物)产生好感

She’ s the kind of person you warm to immediately. 她是那种你一见就会喜欢上的人。

It might take them a while to warm to the idea. 他们可能要过一段时间才会喜欢上这个主意。

ˌwarm ˈup
1  T  warm2

I’ ll warm up some soup for lunch. 我要热一些汤午餐时喝。

2  I  to become warm 变暖和

Drink this and you’ ll soon warm up. 喝下这东西,你马上就会暖和起来。

3  I/T  to prepare for a sport or activity by doing gentle exercises or practising just before it starts (在体育运动或其他活动前)做准备动作;(使)热身

The players are already on the field warming up. 运动员已经上场在做准备活动了。

stretching exercises to warm up your calf muscles 活动小腿肌肉的伸展运动

3a  I  to prepare for a particular race , game , or competition by competing in less important events first 打热身赛

The boys warmed up for their big game with a 4–0 win at Derby last week. 小伙子们上周在德比进行的大赛前的热身赛上以4比0取胜。

4  T  if you warm up a machine or an engine , you switch it on and wait for a little while until it is ready to be used 预热(机器或发动机)
4a  I  if a machine or an engine warms up , it becomes ready to be used after someone switches it on (机器或发动机)预热

In cold weather it takes longer for the car to warm up. 冷天汽车预热的时间要稍长一点。

5  I/T  if an event or situation warms up , or if something warms it up , it starts to become enjoyable , interesting , or busy (使)快乐起来;(使)变得有趣;(使)热闹起来

By midnight the party had really warmed up. 到半夜时聚会真正地热闹起来了。

6  T  if a minor performer warms up an audience , they put the audience in the right mood for the main performance (演出前)使(观众)进入观看主要演出的精神状态,调动(观众)情绪




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