

单词 people
people 1 ★★★
1 the plural of person (person 的复数形式)人,人们

young/old people 年轻人/老年人

a group/crowd of people 一队/群人

Thousands of people marched in protest. 几千人参加了示威游行。

The accident left three people dead and many injured. 那次事故导致3人死亡,多人受伤。

People were running everywhere. 人们四处奔跑。

many/few/some people Many people here would agree with you. 这里的许多人都会同意你的看法。

1a  plural  used for referring to humans in general (总称)人,人们

People tend to think that doctors know everything. 人们往往认为医生们无所不知。

1b  plural  men and women who work for the same organization , do the same type of work , or share the same interests 同事;同伙;同伴;兴趣相投者

military/religious/financial people 军事/宗教/经济伙伴

scientifically-minded people 具有科学思想的人们

1c used for comparing persons with the same qualities or in the same situation 像某人/那样的人

People like that really annoy me. 像那样的人真让我讨厌。

We need more people like her in politics. 在政治上我们需要更多像她这样的人。

2 the people  plural  ordinary people who are not members of the government or the upper classes 平民;老百姓

On this issue, government has failed to listen to the people. 在这件事情上,政府没有听取民众的意见。

a man/woman of the people Many thought the governor was a man of the people (=a leader who cares about ordinary people) . 许多人都认为那位州长是关心民众疾苦的。

3  C  a group consisting of all the persons who belong to a nation , religion , or racecan be followed by a singular or plural verb (某国、某宗教或某种族的)人民,民族(后可接动词的单数或复数形式)

the Japanese/Spanish/German people 日本/西班牙/德国人

They are a proud, dignified people. 他们是一个骄傲高贵的民族。

Over thousands of years, peoples from central Asia came to settle here. 几千年来,来自中亚的许多民族都到这里来定居。

4 the people legal   the lawyers representing the US government or a US state in a criminal case (刑事案件中)代表美国政府(或州)的律师

the case of the people versus the Jameson Financial Company 公诉人起诉詹姆森财务公司的讼案

5  plural  MAINLY AMERICAN  spoken   used when you are talking to the people in a room or group , especially when you want them to listen (口语中用来称呼屋子里或团队中的人,尤指想让大家听自己发言的时候)诸位,各位

Okay, people. Let’ s not panic. 好了,各位不要惊慌。

-   be all things to all people
to try to please everyone although they all want different things

She should stop trying to be all things to all people. 她不应该再费力去迎合所有人的不同需求。

-   sb’ s people
1 informal   someone’ s parents or their family in general 某人的父母(或家里人)

Her people came over from Scotland in the 19th century. 她的家里人是在19世纪的时候从苏格兰迁到这儿来的。

Have you met his people? 你见过他的家里人吗?

2 the people who believe in or are loyal to someone such as a religious leader or king (宗教领袖或国王的)臣民,子民

He was not a good king and failed to protect his people. 他不是一个好国王,没能保护好他的子民。

3 the people who work for someone . This expression is also used in a humorous way by people who are not talking about a business situation 下属;手下人

I’ ll get my people to talk to your people and we’ ll see whether we can come to some agreement. 我会让我的手下和你的手下谈谈,看看我们有没有办法达成协议。





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