

单词 pace
pace 1 ★★
1  singular/U  the speed at which something happens or is done 速度;速率;节奏

the pace of sth The pace of technological change increased steadily during the 20th century. 20世纪,技术变革的速度持续加快。

the pace of life The pace of life in the village is slow and easy. 这个村子的生活节奏缓慢悠闲。

at your own pace (=as slowly or quickly as you like) The course allows students to progress at their own pace. 按照自己的速度

2  C  a step that you take when you walk or run (行走或跑步时的)步伐

take a pace Charlie took a pace backwards. 查利向后退了一步。

I took a few paces towards her. 我朝她迈了几步。

2a a unit for measuring distance based on the length of a single step when you walk 步;一步之距

Twenty paces or so beyond the shed, the road twisted out of sight. 离棚屋大约20步开外的地方,道路蜿蜒曲折,渐渐延伸到视野之外。

3  U  the ability to run quickly 快跑的能力

a player with pace as well as skill 既有速度又有技巧的选手

3a  singular  the speed at which you move 移动的速度

slow/quicken your pace He slowed his pace to observe where Jerome went. 他放慢速度观察杰罗姆的去向。

at a leisurely/brisk pace We proceeded at a leisurely pace down the corridor. 我们迈着悠闲的步子沿走廊继续向前走去。

4  U  an exciting quality that something such as a book or film has , because of the quick and interesting way the story develops (书或电影的)快节奏

Her plays lack the pace and tension of her thrillers. 她的剧作缺乏她的恐怖小说具有的快节奏和紧张感。

5  C  a particular way that a horse walks or runs such as a walk , trot , canter , or gallop (马行走或奔跑的)步法,步态
-   gather pace
1 to start to happen more quickly and have more success 加快速度;突飞猛进

After 1946, support for European unity began to gather pace. 1946年以后,支持欧洲一体化的力量开始加快发展。

2 to start to move more quickly 加快移动速度
-   go through your paces
to show other people how good you are at a particular activity

The Scottish team went through their paces for the press yesterday. 苏格兰队昨天在新闻界面前展示了实力。

-   keep pace (with)
1 to develop or progress at the same rate as something else (与其他事物)同步发展,齐头并进

The government is not allowing salaries to keep pace with inflation. 政府目前不允许工资增长与通货膨胀同步。

2 to move at the same speed as someone or something else (与…)并驾齐驱;跟上(…)

Ron had to run to keep pace with Guido. 罗恩要跑步才能跟上吉多。

-   put sb/sth through /their/its paces
to make a person or machine show how good they are at doing something

The test drivers put the new models through their paces. 试车员负责展示新款汽车的性能。

-   set the pace
1 to establish a rate or standard that others have to achieve 确定速度;制定标准

The deal will set the pace for the EU’ s enlargement over the next decade. 该协议确立了欧盟在此后10年中的扩展速度。

2 to run at a speed that other runners try to match , especially at the beginning of a race 领跑,定跑速(尤指在赛跑之初)
-   stand the pace
1 to manage to do something at the same rate or to the same standard as others 保持相同的速度(或标准)

If you can stand the pace, you can make enough money to retire in five years. 如果保持这个速度,你5年就可以赚够钱退休。

2 to continue running as fast as the other runners in a race (赛跑中)跟上别人




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