

单词 bed
bed 1 ★★★
1  C/U  a piece of furniture that you sleep on , consisting of a soft comfortable part called a mattress and a base 床

double/single bed The room had two single beds in it. 房间里有两张单人床。

out of/in bed It’ s midnight – why aren’ t you in bed? 半夜了,你为什么还不睡觉?

get out of bed (=get up) I never get out of bed before 10 am. 起床

go to bed I’ ll get home at 11 pm and go straight to bed. 我将在晚上11点到家,然后直接上床睡觉。

put sb to bed Sam was upstairs putting the children to bed. 萨姆在楼上安顿孩子们上床睡觉。

make the/my/your etc bed (=tidy its covers after you have slept in it) Why can’ t you kids make your own beds? 整理好床铺

1a anything that is used by a person or animal for sleeping on (人或动物的)睡铺,睡觉处

The dog’ s bed is in the kitchen. 这只狗睡觉的地方在厨房。

He made himself a bed of straw. 他自己铺了张稻草床。

2  C  usually singular the ground at the bottom of a sea or river 海底;河床

a dried-up river bed 干枯的河床

fish that live close to the sea bed 生活于海底附近的鱼

2a  C  an area in a river , lake , or ocean where there are a lot of plants or animals of a particular kind (富含某种植物或动物的)河底,湖底,海底

reed beds 芦苇生长区

oyster beds 牡蛎繁殖场

2b  C  an area of ground that has been dug for growing plants and flowers 苗床;花坛;花圃

a circular bed in the middle of the lawn 草地中央的圆形花坛

3  C  a layer of rock that is inside a larger area of rock 岩层
3a  singular  a layer of food on which you put other food (菜)底;(食物的)底层

+of prawns served on a bed of lettuce 用莴苣作菜底的大虾

-   get out of bed on the wrong side/get up on the wrong side of the bed spoken
to be in a bad mood from the time you get up in the morning for no obvious reason
-   go to bed with sb informal
to have sex with someone
-   good/bad in bed informal
good/bad as a sexual partner
-   sb has made their bed, and they must lie/sleep in it
used for saying someone must accept an unpleasant situation they are in because they caused it
-   jump/get into bed with sb
1 informal   to have sex with someone you have just met 与刚认识的某人上床
2 to start a close business relationship with someone who people do not trust 开始与某人(指人们不信任的人)有密切生意往来
-   sth/life is not a bed of roses
used for saying that something is not always good or easy

The life of a debt collector is no bed of roses. 收债人的生活并非总是称心如意的。

-   put sth to bed
to finish dealing with something




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