

单词 oppose
oppose ★★★
VERB  T   
1 to disagree with or disapprove of a plan or policy 反对(计划或政策)

a group that opposes the use of the death penalty in all cases 反对在任何情况下使用死刑的团体

The French cabinet was unanimous in opposing NATO’ s bombing raids. 法国内阁一致反对北约组织的轰炸袭击。

1a to try to prevent the success of a policy or a government that you disagree with 抵制;反抗

a merciless tyrant who kills all those who oppose him 把所有反抗他的人都杀掉的残忍暴君

There was a major campaign to oppose the building of a nuclear reactor. 爆发了一个反对修建核反应堆的大型运动。

fiercely/vehemently/bitterly etc oppose Plans to drill for oil in the Arctic region are fiercely opposed by conservationists. 在北极地区钻井开采石油的计划遭到自然资源保护者们的强烈反对。

2 to speak against a proposal or law in a debate (在辩论中)反对(提案或法律)

The motion was opposed by Sir Teddy Taylor MP. 这一动议遭到议员特迪·泰勒爵士的反对。

  Words frequently used with oppose
  oppose 的常见搭配词
  adverbs   bitterly, fiercely, implacably, strenuously, strongly, vehemently, vigorously,




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