

单词 operate
operate ★★★
1  I  if equipment operates, it works and does what it is intended to do (设备)运转,运行

The ventilation equipment was not operating properly. 通风设备运行不畅。

+on/at Many computers were still operating on a two-digit dating system. 许多计算机仍在使用只显示年份后两位的日期系统。

The motor operates at very high speeds. 马达飞速运转。

1a  T  to use and control a piece of equipment 操作,使用(设备)

You should not operate machinery after taking this medication. 服用此药后不应操作机器。

My job was to operate the telephone switchboard. 我的工作是操作电话交换台。

2  I  if an organization or company operates, it does its work (组织或公司)运营

The company has been operating in Europe for two years. 公司在欧洲经营业务已有两年了。

+as Richardson’ s will in future operate as a subsidiary of AFA. 理查森公司今后将作为美国艺术联合会的附属机构开展工作。

+underwithin All the parties have to operate within the democratic system. 所有政党都必须在民主制度的范围内进行活动。

operate on a basisprinciple The organization operates on a non-profit basis. 该机构是非营利组织。

2a  T  to run a company or organization 经营;管理

The car hire business is operated as a separate company. 汽车出租公司是作为独立的公司经营的。

3  T  to organize a service or system and make it available to people 开办;实行

The government will operate an interest-free loan system. 政府将实施一种免息贷款制度。

a licence to operate a passenger transport network 开办客运网的许可证

3a  I  if a service or system operates, it exists and is available (服务或系统)运作

Flights operate every day from Birmingham. 每天都有来自伯明翰的航班。

4  I  to cut into part of someone’ s body for medical reasons 动手术

Surgeons had to operate to remove the bullet. 外科医生不得不动手术取出子弹。

+on The driver of the car was operated on immediately. 马上为汽车司机动了手术。

We may have to operate on your leg. 我们可能要对你的腿进行手术。

5  I  if something such as a rule , idea , or fact operates it exists and has an effect in a particular situation 起作用;发生影响

Racism operates at many levels, conscious and unconscious. 种族主义在许多层面上有意识或无意识地产生影响。

Very different factors were operating in the local and national elections. 各种迥然不同的因素在地方性和全国性的选举中起着作用。

+as This law effectively operates as a tax on education. 这项法规实际上成为教育的一种负担。

6  I  if someone operates in a particular way that is how they achieve what they want to do (以某种方式)行事

+as The sales staff usually operate as a team. 销售部的员工通常是团队运作。

operate by doing sth Carlson operated by gaining people’ s confidence and then taking their money. 卡尔森的做法是先获取人们的信任然后再骗取他们的钱财。

She won’ t argue with you - that’ s not how she operates. 她不会与你争吵,那不是她的处事方法。





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