

单词 removal
removal ★★
NOUN  C   
1 +of the process of removing something or someone 移动;搬走;去掉

He has called for the removal of all foreign troops and bases in Europe. 他呼吁撤走所有驻欧洲的外国军队和基地。

removal of barriers in the way of free trade 取消自由贸易的障碍

surgical removal of the tumour 肿瘤切除手术

2 the process of making someone leave a job or position of power 开除;解聘

+from The consequences of failure would certainly mean her removal from office. 失败的后果必将意味着他被免职。

3 BRITISH  the process of taking furniture from one property to another , especially when you move to another house or office 搬运;搬迁

They’ ll have to pay for my removal. 他们得给我付搬迁费。

3a relating to removal 搬运的;搬迁的

a removal firm/man 搬迁公司/搬运工





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