

单词 off
off 1 ★★★
  Off can be used in the following ways:
off 有以下用法
  as an adverb 用作副词: He waved and drove off. 他挥挥手驾车走了。 She took her coat off and hung it up. 她脱下外套,把它挂了起来。 My house is a long way off. 我的家离这儿很远。
  as a preposition 用作介词: She got off the bus at the next stop. 她在下一站下了车。 Keep off the grass. 请勿踩踏草坪。 In spoken American English off of is often used instead of the preposition off , but many speakers of British English think that this is not correct.
在美国英语口语中常用off of代替off,但许多讲英国英语的人认为这是不正确的。
  as an adjective 用作形容词: This meat is definitely off – I can’ t eat it. 这肉肯定变质了,我没法吃。 I’ m having an off day. 我今天休息一天。
1 away from sth
leaving a place or going away from something (离)开;(走)开

With only $150 in his pocket, he set off for New Mexico. 他只带着150美元就去了新墨西哥。

I’ d never let an 11-year-old kid go off on his own. 我决不会让一个11岁的孩子独自离去。

be off If you don’ t need me any more, I’ ll be off. 如果你不再需要我,我就走了。

be off to I’ m off to Scotland next Tuesday. 我下星期二去苏格兰。

2 going out of a vehicle
leaving a plane , train , bus etc 下(飞机、火车、公共汽车等)

get off Ask the driver to stop the bus so we can get off. 请司机把客车停一停,好让我们下车。

They didn’ t see each other till they got off the plane. 他们直到下了飞机才彼此看见对方。

3 not on sth
not on the top or surface of something , especially after being on it 从…(顶部或表面)离开;从…向下

The wind blew a flower pot off the balcony. 风把一个花盆从阳台上刮了下去。

Hold on tight so you don’ t slip off. 要抓紧才不会滑下去。

I had to scrape the dirt off the walls. 我得把泥土从墙上刮掉。

She tried to push the dog off but it kept jumping up. 她想把狗推下去,可是它却不停地跳上来。

I was so surprised I nearly fell off my chair. 我大吃一惊,差点从椅子上跌下来。

keep/stay off There was a sign saying ‘Keep off the grass’ . 有块牌子上写着“请勿踩踏草坪”。

4 no longer connected
no longer connected to someone or something …下;…掉

They cut off seven branches from the tree. 他们从树上砍下了7根树枝。

Cindy was playing with the doll when its leg fell off. 辛迪在玩布娃娃时,布娃娃的腿掉了下来。

5 close to sth
5a near a particular street , road etc, but not directly on it 离…很近;在…附近

The restaurant is just off the main road. 餐馆就在离大路不远的地方。

5b connected to a particular room or space 通向

You’ ll find a bathroom just off the master bedroom. 你会发现主卧室旁就有个洗手间。

5c in a part of the sea that is near the land 靠近海岸的

Two miles off the coast, we sailed right into the storm. 在离海岸两英里处我们迎面遇上了暴风雨。

6 not working
a machine or piece of electrical equipment that is off is not switched on or is not being used 关掉;不用

The lights were off in the big house. 这栋大房子里的灯全灭了。

I saw that all the machines were switched off. 我看见所有的机器都被关掉了。

7 when clothes are removed
used for saying that clothes or shoes are removed (脱)掉(衣服或鞋)

We told the children to take off their wet clothes. 我们叫孩子们脱掉湿衣服。

She kicked off her shoes and settled down on the sofa. 她踢掉脚上的鞋,在沙发上坐了下来。

8 not at school or work
not at school or work , for example because you are not well or because it is not a normal working day 不上课;不工作;休息

I’ m considering taking quite a bit of time off work. 我在考虑好好地休息一段时间。

We’ re planning a trip to the zoo on my day off. 我们计划在我休息那天去动物园。

I took two weeks off in August. 我8月份休了两星期的假。

be off (=not at work or school) She’ s off sick today. 缺席;没有上班(或上学)

9 not discussing sth
not talking about a particular subject 不谈论

We were told to keep off the subject of babies. 我们被告知不要谈论有关婴儿的话题。

10 no longer planned
used for saying that an event is no longer going to take place as planned 不再举行的;取消的

Sorry, but the meeting’ s off. 对不起,会议取消了。

Tonight’ s game has been called off because of bad weather. 因为天气不好,今晚的比赛已取消。

11 no longer eating, using, or doing sth
11a no longer taking drugs or other harmful substances 不再服用,戒掉(毒品等)

I’ ve been off alcohol now for three weeks. 我已经3星期没沾酒了。

He went to a treatment centre where he was gradually weaned off heroin. 他进了一个治疗中心,在那儿他渐渐地戒掉了海洛因毒瘾。

11b no longer eating or drinking something or no longer doing an activity because you do not like it any more (因不再喜欢而)不再吃(或喝),停做

I’ m off sweet things at the moment. 眼下我已不吃甜食了。

go off sth I’ ve gone off watching daytime talk shows. 我已不再看白天的访谈节目了。

He seems to have gone right off his food. 看来他对自己的食物已经一点也不感兴趣了。

12 reduced
used for saying that a price has been reduced by a particular amount (减)掉,(扣)掉(一定的价格)

There’ s now 30% off all swimsuits. 现在所有的游泳衣一律7折。

Shares fell almost 10%, wiping $400 million off the company’ s value. 股票跌了将近10%,使公司的市值减少了4亿美元。

take sth off sth They agreed to take £3 off the price. 他们同意把价格降低3英镑。

13 a particular time or distance away
13a used for saying how much time there is between the present and a time or event in the future (时间)离,距

Christmas is only three weeks off. 离圣诞节只有3个星期了。

a long time off Retirement is still a long time off. 离退休还有好长一段时间。

13b a particular distance away (空间)距离…

Their farm is only twenty miles off. 他们的农场离这儿才20英里远。

a long way off The nearest seaside resort is a long way off. 离最近的海滨胜地也有好长一段路。

14 no longer good
food that is off is no longer fresh and is not good to eat (食物)腐坏,变质

This cream is slightly off. 这奶油有点变质了。

go off This meat smells as if it’ s gone off. 这肉闻起来好像变质了。

15 BRITISH  not available
used for saying that something is not available in a restaurant (餐馆里某菜肴)售完了,不再供应

be off I’ m sorry, sir, the roast lamb is off. 很抱歉,先生,烤羔羊肉没有了。

16 spoken   from sb/sth
used for stating the person or thing that something is taken from . Many people consider this to be incorrect 从…得到(许多人认为此用法不正确)

Let’ s see if we can get some money off my Dad. 让我们试试看能否从我爸那儿弄到一些钱。

You could borrow a ladder off the people next door. 你可以向隔壁邻居借个梯子。

I got your phone number off the members’ list. 我从会员名单中得到了你的电话号码。

17 BRITISH  using fuel or electricity
used for saying that a machine or piece of equipment works by using a type of fuel or electricity (机器或设备)用,由(某种燃料或电力)发动

Most modern cars run off unleaded petrol. 大部分现代轿车用的是无铅汽油。

18 not in a place
not within a particular area 不在(某特定区域);在…外面

People were warned to stay off the streets. 人们被警告不要上街。

19 not normal
strange or unusual 奇怪的;不正常的

Something about the way he talked was a little off. 他说话的样子有点怪。

20 in a good or bad situation
20a to be rich/poor 生活富裕/贫困

The local farmers all looked pretty badly off. 当地农民看起来全都很贫困。

She comes from a very well-off family. 她出生于一个非常富裕的家庭。

20b to have a large/small amount of something 大量拥有/缺乏某物

Most of the colleges are pretty well off for computers. 大多数学院都拥有许多计算机。

The kids are quite badly off for clothes. 这些孩子缺衣少穿。

how are you off for sth? How are you off for money? 你有多少钱?

20c to be in a situation that is better/worse for you than another one 更好/更糟的境况

I’ m starting to think I’ d be better off without him. 我开始在想,如果没有他我的生活也许会更好些。

You couldn’ t be any worse off than you are now. 你不会比现在更糟的。

-   be a bit off BRITISH informal old-fashioned
if someone’ s behaviour is a bit off , you cannot accept it because it is not polite

I thought the way he interrupted you was a bit off. 我认为他那样打断你的话是不礼貌的。

-   off and on/on and off
sometimes but not regularly

She’ s been taking drugs off and on since she was 16. 她自16岁以来断断续续地一直在吸毒。

-   right/straight off informal

He told us right off that he wasn’ t happy about the decision. 他立即告诉我们他不满这个决定。





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