

单词 battle
battle 2
1  I/T  to try very hard to deal with a difficult situation 奋斗;(与…)斗争

Many species of birds are battling extinction. 许多种类的鸟都在为摆脱灭绝的命运而苦苦挣扎。

+against She described how they had battled against huge waves to save their friend. 她描述了他们如何为了营救朋友而与巨浪搏斗。

battle to do sth Surgeons battled to save the man’ s life. 外科医师奋力抢救那个人的生命。

2  I  to compete with someone or try to achieve the opposite of what they are trying to achieve 竞争;较量

+with Hakkinen was battling with Schumacher for first place. 哈基宁在与舒马赫争夺第一的位置。

+against A small, ill-equipped police force is battling against the powerful drug barons. 一小队装备很差的警察在与强大的毒品巨头作斗争。

+for the three men battling for the world title 争夺世界冠军头衔的3名男选手

2a if two people or groups battle it out , they compete with each other until there is a definite winner 决出胜负

Twelve teams will battle it out later in the year to see who will become the champion of Europe. 12支队伍将在今年晚些时候进行比赛,以决定谁将成为欧洲冠军。





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