

单词 mutual
mutual 1 ★★
1 felt or done in the same way by each of two or more people 相互的;彼此的

mutual respect/support/understanding 相互尊重/支持/理解

Our relationship was based on mutual distrust. 我们的关系是建立在相互不信任的基础之上。

by mutual agreement He said his contract was cancelled by mutual agreement. 他说他的合同是经过双方同意后取消的。

1a belonging to or true of two or more people 共有的;共同的

a mutual friend They were introduced by a mutual friend. 他们是经一个共同的朋友介绍认识的。

a mutual interest We found that we have a mutual interest in mountaineering. 我们发现我们在爬山方面有共同的兴趣。

mutual benefit The scheme would be to our mutual benefit. 该计划将符合我们共同的利益。

1b used for saying that one person dislikes someone as much as that person dislikes them 彼此都有这种感觉

Eleanor couldn’ t stand the sight of Jenny, and the feeling was mutual. 埃莉诺见到珍妮就难受,珍妮见到埃莉诺也一样。

2 only before noun a mutual insurance company , building society etc is owned by all of its customers, who share its profits (保险公司、建筑协会等)互助的
mutuality  noun   U 




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