

单词 may
may 1 ★★★
  May is usually followed by an infinitive without ‘to’ may 通常后接不带to 的不定式: It may rain. 可能会下雨。
  Sometimes may is used without a following infinitive有时may 后面不接不定式: I’ d like to make one or two comments, if I may. 如果可以的话,我想提一两个意见。
  May does not change its form, so the third person singular form does not end in ‘-s’ may没有词形变化,所以第三人称单数形式的结尾没有s: He may arrive this afternoon. 他可能今天下午到。
  Questions and negatives are formed without ‘do’ 疑问和否定形式不用do: May I make a suggestion? 我能提个建议吗? She may not understand. 她可能不明白。
  The negative form may not is sometimes shortened to mayn’ t by British speakers of English, but it is not common.
有时英国人把否定形式may not 缩写成mayn’t, 但并不常见。
  May has no participles and no infinitive form.
  There is no past tense, but may have followed by a past participle can be used for talking about past possibilitiesmay没有过去式,但may have 后跟过去分词可用来谈论过去的可能性: She may have changed her mind and decided not to come. 她可能已经变卦了,决定不来了。 When indirect speech is introduced by a verb in the past tense, might is used as the past tense of may 当动词过去式引导间接引语时,might 用作may 的过去式: I asked if I might see the paintings. 我问是否我可以看一下画作。
  There is no future tense, but may is used for talking about future possibilitiesmay 没有将来式,但可用来谈论将来的可能性: I may go to London next week. 我下周可能去伦敦。
1 used for showing possibility
1a used for saying that there is a possibility that something is true or that something will happen 可能;也许;大概

There may be an easier way of solving the problem. 这个问题可能会有更容易的解决方法。

The injury may have caused brain damage. 这次受伤可能造成了脑损伤。

I may not be able to play on Saturday. 星期六我可能没法打球。

You may be asked to show your passport. 你可能会被要求出示护照。

Some fir trees may grow up to 60 feet. 有些冷杉树可能会长到60英尺高。

1b used for saying that it is possible to do something in a particular way 可以;能够

The bill may be paid by cheque or by credit card. 账单可以用支票或信用卡支付。

The total may be calculated by two different methods. 总额可以用两种不同的方法计算。

1c used for saying that something is fairly likely to be true or is fairly likely to happen 很可能

What you say may very well be true. 你说的话很可能是真的。

A small technical error may easily result in a serious accident. 小小的技术失误很有可能会导致严重的事故。

it may well be that It may well be that the information is not available. 很有可能无法得到该信息。

2 be allowed to do sth
2a used for politely asking someone to let you do something 可以(用于礼貌地请求某人让自己做某事)

May we come in now? 我们现在可以进来吗?

May I use your phone? 我可以用你的电话吗?

2b used for saying that something is allowed 可以(表示允许)

Visitors may use the swimming pool between 5.30 and 7.30 pm. 游客可以在晚上5点30分至7点30分之间使用游泳池。

You may take a short break now. 你现在可以稍微休息一下。

3 spoken   used in polite requests or offers
used when making a polite request or offer 能,可以(用于礼貌的请求或提议)

May I have a biscuit? 我能吃块饼干吗?

May I help? 我能帮忙吗?

May we offer you a glass of wine? 我们能请您喝杯酒吗?

May I see your ticket, please? 可以看一下您的票吗?

4 spoken   used in polite remarks or suggestions
used when making a polite remark or suggestion 请允许(用于礼貌的评论或建议)

may I say/ask/suggest etc May I say a word of thanks to all those who helped today. 请允许我对今天所有帮忙的人说一句感谢的话。

May I suggest a better idea? 我可以提个更好的主意吗?

if I may Let me, if I may, introduce you my manager, Jim Doyle. 如果可以的话,让我向你介绍我的经理吉姆·多伊尔。

4a used for introducing a personal comment , when you know that the person you are speaking to may find this offensive 如果我可以这么说的话

What a very attractive dress, if I may say so! 多么漂亮的连衣裙,如果我可以这么说的话!

5 formal   used for showing a purpose
used for saying that someone does something in order to achieve a particular purpose 能够(用于说明某人做某事的目的)

The dried fruit may be used through the winter. 干果能在整个冬天食用。

6 formal   used for expressing a wish
used for expressing a hope or a wish 希望;祝愿

May peace and prosperity return to this troubled land! 愿和平昌盛重回这个动乱的国度!

-   I maysay/add BRITISH spoken
used for emphasizing what you are saying

I sacrificed a lot, I may say, to help him. 我可以说,我为帮助他牺牲了很多。

-   may as well informal
used for suggesting something when you cannot think of anything better to do
  倒不如;不妨   may as well 和might as well意思完全一样。

We may as well go home. There’ s nothing more to do. 我们倒不如回家,因为再没有要做的事情了。

-   may...but
used when you agree that something is true , but you argue that this does not change the main fact that you are stating

The school may not be as good as it was, but it is still popular. 这所学校也许不像过去那么好,但它仍然受人喜爱。

Both may and might are used for expressing the idea that perhaps something is true or that perhaps something will happen, but might is more common in conversation, and may is more common in writing. Might is often used for suggesting that a possibility is rather unlikely or not at all definitemight经常用来表明某个可能性很小或根本就不确定: You might have an accident. 你或许会出事故。 May and might are both used in polite requests, remarks, and offersmay 和might都可以用于礼貌的请求、评论和提议: May I see that? 我可以看看那个东西吗? Might I make a suggestion? 我可以提个建议吗?
See also




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