

单词 attend
attend ★★★
1  I/T  to be present at an event or activity 出席,参加(事件或活动)

I’ ve voiced my opinion at every meeting I’ ve attended. 我每次出席会议都发表了意见。

Everyone in the office was expected to attend. 办公室每一个人都必须出席。

1a to go regularly to a place , for example to a school as a student or to a church as a member 上(学);去(教堂礼拜)

Born in India, he attended high school and medical school in Madras. 他出生于印度,在马德拉斯上了中学和医学院。

2  T  to look after someone , especially someone who is ill or someone in an important position 照料,护理(病人);侍候(大人物)

She is attended by a 24-hour nursing staff. 她由进行24小时看护的护理人员照料。

3  T  very formal   to exist with something else or happen as a result of it (作为结果)伴随

Secondary symptoms usually attend the disease. 这种疾病通常伴有并发症。

The occasion was attended by a mood of sadness. 这个场合伴有一丝忧伤的气氛。

atˈtend to
1 attend to sth/sb: to deal with something or someone 处理,对付(某事或某人)

We still have a number of other matters to attend to. 我们还有一些其他事情要处理。

He likes work that requires him to attend to a lot of detail. 他喜欢需要他来处理许多具体事务的工作。

Please take a seat and I’ ll ask someone to attend to you. 请坐下,我会找个人来照料你。

2 attend to sb: to serve a customer in a shop , restaurant etc (在商店、餐厅等处)为(顾客)服务

Are you being attended to? 有人为您服务吗?

3 attend to sth: very formal   to pay attention to something 注意;倾听




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