

单词 interview
interview 1 ★★★
 C  a meeting in which someone asks another person , especially a famous person , questions about themselves , their work , or their ideas, in order to publish or broadcast the information 采访;访谈;晤谈

This is her first interview since becoming Olympic champion. 这是她成为奥运会冠军后对她的第一次采访。

+with The magazine has an exclusive interview with the couple. 这本杂志有对这对夫妇的独家专访。

give an interview He doesn’ t give interviews to the press. 他没有接受新闻界的采访。

a  C/U  a formal meeting in which someone asks you questions to find out if you are suitable for a job , course of study etc 面试;面谈

get/have an interview I’ ve got an interview for a job as an interpreter. 我得到了一份口译工作的面试机会。

call sb for interview She has been called for interview, so she’ s optimistic. 她被邀面谈,因而很乐观。

b  C/U  an official meeting in which the police ask someone questions about a crime 问讯;口头审讯

The interview was terminated after two hours. 这次口头审讯在两小时后结束了。

conduct an interview There are recordings of the interviews conducted by the police. 这儿有警方进行审讯的录音带。

c  C  a meeting in which someone asks you a series of questions as part of a research project 采访调查

conduct an interview I conducted in-depth interviews with dozens of former patients. 我对以前的几十个病人进行了深入的采访调查。





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