

单词 long
long 1 ★★★
1 lasting for a large amount of time 长时间的;长期的;长久的

It’ s a long time since I saw Rachel. 自我见到雷切尔以来已有很长一段时间了。

There was a long pause before he spoke. 他讲话之前停顿了好久。

Many people face a long wait for surgery. 许多人要等很长时间才能动手术。

I haven’ t spoken to him for a long while. 我和他讲了没多长时间。

He has a long history of mental illness. 他有很长的精神病史。

1a seeming to last for a very long time , especially because you are bored or tired (尤指因无聊或疲倦而感到时间)很长的,漫长的

It had been a long week. 这可是漫长的一周。

1b if you work long hours, or a long day , you work more than usual (工作时间)比平时长的
1c if you have a long memory , you remember even small things that happened many years ago (记忆)保持长久的;记性好的
2 measuring a large amount from one end to the other (长度)长的

a woman with long blonde hair 披着金色长发的女子

There was a long queue outside the bank. 银行外面排着长队。

We walked into a long narrow hall. 我们走进了一个长而狭窄的大厅。

It’ s the longest tunnel in Europe. 这是欧洲最长的隧道。

2a covering a large distance (距离)远的

We went for a long walk. 我们去散步,走了很远。

It’ s a long way to Tokyo from here. 这儿离东京很远。

3 used for saying or asking how far it is from one end of something to the other (用于表明或询问某物有多长)

10 metres/2 centimetres/7 inches etc long The room was 3 metres long. 这房间有3米长。

how long...? How long do you think the table is? 你认为这张桌子有多长?

3a used for saying or asking about the amount of time that something lasts (用于表明或询问某事物持续多长时间)

2 hours/an hour etc long The journey was about an hour long. 这次旅程历时约一小时。

how long...? How long was the film? 这部电影有多长时间?

4 a long book , letter , report etc has a lot of pages (书、信、报告等)篇幅长的
4a a long list has a lot of things on it (清单)有众多项的,一长串的
4b a list that is as long as your arm is very long (清单)很长的

He has a list of qualifications as long as your arm. 他的资历很深。

5 long dresses, trousers , sleeves etc cover your arms or legs (衣裤、袖子等)长的

a shirt with long sleeves 长袖衬衣

She came down to dinner in a long skirt. 她穿着一条长裙下来吃晚餐。

6 a long drink is one that is served in a tall glass (饮料)用深杯子盛的,大杯的
7 linguistics   a long vowel is a vowel that is pronounced for a longer time than most other vowels (元音)长音的
8 in sport , if a ball is long , you kick or hit it so it travels over a large distance , or you kick or hit it beyond a line (体育运动中将球)投得远的,射得远的,出界的
-   at long last
if something happens at long last , it happens after you have been waiting for it for a long time

The train’ s here at long last. 火车终于到这儿了。

-   go a long way
if you say someone will go a long way , you think they will be successful in their life or career
-   go a long way towards doing sth
if something goes a long way towards doing something , it helps someone to achieve something

The money raised will go a long way towards paying for Freddie’ s medical treatment. 所筹得的钱对支付弗雷迪的医疗费用有帮助。

-   have come a long way
to have achieved a lot of things and made progress

Technology has come a long way since the days of telegrams. 自电报时代以来,科技已有很大的进步。

-   have a long way to go
to need to do a lot more before you are successful

We’ ve raised £100 so far, but we still have a long way to go. 我们迄今已筹集了100英镑,但我们仍需筹得更多的钱。

-   how long is a piece of string? BRITISH spoken
used for saying that it is impossible to answer a question about how big something is or how much time something will take
-   in the long run/term
not immediately but at some time in the future

Cutting jobs could be more expensive in the long run if we have to hire freelancers. 如果我们不得不聘请自由职业者的话,精简职位的代价从长远来看可能更高。

-   it’ s a long story spoken
used for saying that the answer to a particular question would be long and complicated

‘Why was Martin wandering around the streets at 2 o’ clock in the morning?’ ‘It’ s a long story’ . “马丁为何凌晨两点钟在街上游荡呢?”“说来话长。”

-   the long arm of the law
the power of the police and legal system , used for saying that they will usually catch people who commit a crime
-   long in the tooth humorous
rather old

I’ m a bit long in the tooth to be looking for a girlfriend. 我找女朋友未免年纪过大了。

-   long odds informal
if you say that it’ s long odds that something will happen , you mean that it is not very likely
-   long on sth
having or doing too much of one thing

a politician who is long on talk and short on action 长于空谈而缺乏实际行动的政客

-   a long shot informal
an attempt or guess that is not likely to be successful but that is worth trying

It’ s a long shot, but I’ ll ask her. 这只是瞎猜,但我会去问问她。

-   long time no see spoken
used when you meet someone you have not seen for a long time
-   not by a long shot/chalk/way informal
used for saying that something is not true at all

They’ ve achieved a lot, but they haven’ t finished yet – not by a long shot. 他们取得了很大的成绩,但他们还未最后完成,远远没有。

-   not long for this world mainly literary
likely to die soon
-   take a long hard look at sb/sth
to think about a problem or issue very carefully in order to find out what is wrong or find a better way of dealing with it

We should take a long hard look at the way we deal with refugees in this country. 我们应该认真地考虑一下我们对待该国难民的方式。

-   take the long view (of sth)
to think about the effects that something will have in the future rather than worrying about the present situation
-   to cut/make a long story short
used for saying that you will tell the end or the main point of a story without giving all the details

To cut a long story short, we both spent the night in jail. 简而言之,我们俩那一夜是在监狱中度过的。





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