

单词 devil
devil ★★
1 the Devil the most powerful evil spirit in many religions such as Christianity and Islam 魔王;撒旦
1a  C  an evil spirit 魔鬼

They believed she had been possessed by devils. 他们认为她被魔鬼附身。

2  C  informal   someone who does not behave very well , especially a child . You usually use this word when you are not really angry with the person 淘气鬼,冒失鬼(尤指儿童,通常并非真含怒意)

I bet you were a little devil when you were younger. 我敢说你年轻一点的时候是个小淘气鬼。

3  C  informal   a person . Used when you are describing someone or saying how you feel about them , especially if you like them 人,家伙(用于表达对某人的感受时,尤指对其有好感时)

Poor old devil, he doesn’ t get many visitors. 可怜的老家伙,没有多少人去看望他。

-   be a devil BRITISH spoken
used for encouraging someone to do something when they are not sure if they should do it , especially when it is not very bad or serious

Go on, be a devil. Come out tonight. 来呀,别顾虑。今晚出去吧。

-   better the devil you know (than the devil you don’ t)
used for saying that it is safer to deal with a bad but familiar person or thing than to risk dealing with someone or something that you do not know and that could be worse
-   between the devil and the deepbluesea
in a difficult situation where you have to choose between two equally bad things
-   the devilmakes/findswork for idlehands
used for saying that people who are bored or do not have enough work will start doing things that they should not do
-   a devil of a
used for emphasizing how difficult or unpleasant something is

We had a devil of a job persuading her not to leave. 我们费了很大劲劝说她留下。

-   (the) devil take the hindmost
used for talking about a situation where people do only what is best for themselves and do not care what happens to other people
-   have the luck of the devil
to be very lucky
-   like the devil old-fashioned
used for emphasizing that someone does something very fast or with a lot of energy
-   talk/speak of the devil spoken
used when someone you have just been talking about arrives unexpectedly
-   the very devil old-fashioned
very difficult or unpleasant to do
-   what/who/how the devil spoken
used for asking in an angry way what is happening or who has done something

What the devil is going on here? 这里究竟发生了什么事?





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