

单词 justice
justice ★★★
1  U  treatment of people that is fair and morally right 正义;公正;公平

the struggle for freedom and justice 为了自由和正义所进行的斗争

social justice a society based on democracy, peace, and social justice 建立在民主、和平及社会公平基础上的社会

1a the fact that something is reasonable and fair 正义;正当;合理;公平

He appealed to their sense of justice. 他呼唤他们的正义感。

Campaigners are convinced of the justice of their cause. 参加这项运动的人深信他们的事业是正义的。

2  U  the legal process of judging and punishing people 司法;审判;法律制裁

the criminal justice system 刑法制度

a miscarriage of justice (=when the wrong person is punished) one of the worst miscarriages of justice ever seen 审判不公;误判

2a a fair result or punishment from a law court 公正的判决;理应受到的惩罚

The family are determined to see justice done. 这家人下决心要让正义得到伸张。

Criminals with political connections sometimes escape justice. 在政界有关系的罪犯有时能逃脱理应受到的惩罚。

pervert the course of justice (=prevent the legal process of justice) She was accused of attempting to pervert the course of justice. 妨碍司法公正

2b to make someone have a trial in order to find out whether they are guilty of a crime 将某人缉拿归案

The girl’ s killers have never been brought to justice. 杀害那女孩的凶手们一直都逍遥法外。

3  C  AMERICAN  a judge in a law court in the US (美国的)法官
3a used as a title before the name of a judge 法官(作为称呼用于法官姓名前)

The trial judge, Mr Justice Mitchell, adjourned the proceedings. 承审法官,米切尔法官先生,宣布休庭。

-   do sb/sth justice
1 to show or emphasize all the good qualities of someone or something 展示(或强调)某人/某物的所有优良品质

I don’ t think your comments do him justice. 我认为你对他的评价没有说出他最优秀的地方。

2 to deal with something in the way you should deal with it 公平地对待

His attitude does not do justice to the debate. 他对这场辩论的态度是不公正的。

-   do yourself justice
to show your ability by doing something as well as you can

I never do myself justice in exams. 我考试时从来没能充分发挥自己的水平。

-   there’ s no justice (in the world) often humorous
used for saying that something is not fair
-   with justice formal
used for saying that something is fair

No one could, with justice, have said he was lazy. 公正地讲,没有人会说他懒惰。





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