

单词 just
just 1 ★★★
1 used for saying when sth happens
1a soon or at a particular time 将要;正在

I can’ t come now. I’ m just putting the children to bed. 我现在来不了,我在哄孩子们上床睡觉。

just now/at the moment/at present Mr Reynolds is busy just now, but he’ ll see you after lunch. 雷诺兹先生现在正忙着,但他午饭后可以见你。

I don’ t feel like talking to anyone just at the moment. 我现在不想和任何人说话。

just then/at that moment Just then a knock at the door interrupted our conversation. 就在那时,敲门声打断了我们的谈话。

be just going/about to do sth Mahmud was just about to leave when someone called his name. 马哈茂德正要离开,这时有人喊他的名字。

I was just going to ask you the same question. 我正要问你同样的问题。

just when/as Just when you think it’ s all over, the trouble starts again. 就在你以为事情已经结束的时候,麻烦又开始了。

1b a short time ago , or a short time before something that happened in the past 刚才;刚刚

Mum’ s just gone down to the shops. 妈妈刚刚去商店买东西了。

Agassi had just arrived in Australia the day before. 阿加西前一天刚到澳大利亚。

Susan was just telling me about your new job. 苏珊刚刚告诉我关于你新工作的事。

only just (=a very short time ago) I’ ve only just started, so I can’ t tell you anything yet. 刚刚

1c a moment ago 刚才

I’ m sorry if I interrupted you just now. 要是刚才我打断了你的话,非常抱歉。

What were you saying to Lisa just now? 你刚才在对莉萨说什么?

1d used for emphasizing how recently something happened (用于强调某事发生的时间有多近)恰恰正是

just yesterday/last week etc Just last week it was freezing, and now it’ s too hot. 就在上周还感到刺骨的寒冷,现在却又太热了。

1e used for saying that the time for something has not happened yet but will happen soon 现在还不

I’ m going back to New York, but not just yet. 我要回纽约,但不是现在。

1f happening a very short time before or after something 就在…之前/之后

My parents had got married just after the war. 我父母在战争刚刚结束后就结婚了。

2 only
2a not more than a particular amount , number , distance etc 只是;仅仅

The medicine costs just a few pence to produce. 这种药造价只需几便士。

He quit the project after just four months. 仅仅4个月后他就退出了这个项目。

There’ s a little bookshop just round the corner. 拐角处就有一家小书店。

2b not better , worse , more important etc than what you are mentioning 只不过

It was just a silly mistake. 这只不过是个愚蠢的错误。

We’ re just a small business employing 15 staff. 我们只不过是一家雇了15名员工的小公司。

2c not involving anything more than the thing you are mentioning (表示不包括所提之事之外的任何事)只是

We just wanted to make sure everyone was safe. 我们只想确保每个人都安然无恙。

In my opinion, the argument is just about money. 在我看来,这场争论只不过是为了钱。

No, I don’ t want to buy anything. I’ m just looking. 不,我什么也不想买。我只是随便看看。

2d not only 不仅

It’ s not just me. Other people are complaining too. 不仅是我,其他人也在抱怨。

3 exactly
3a exactly a particular amount , number , age etc and not more or less 不多不少;正好

The bill came to just £3,552. 账单正好是3552英镑。

William was just five months and eleven days old. 威廉当时正好出生了5个月零11天。

3b used when referring to an exact time 正好;整

It’ s just twenty-three minutes past five. 现在正好是5点23分。

just on (=at an exact time that you notice) We left just on the stroke of midnight. 正好

3c exactly the right thing , place , or person 恰恰正是

Thank you so much, it was just what I wanted. 非常感谢,那正是我想要的。

just the thing/place/person etc It’ s just the place for a picnic. 这正是个野餐的好地方。

3d exactly the same or in exactly the same way 正如;正像

He’ s just like his father. 他很像他父亲。

Of course, Cameron’ s plan failed, just as I expected it would. 当然,正如我所料,卡梅伦的计划失败了。

4 spoken   used for emphasis
4a used for emphasizing a statement 到底,实在,究竟(用于强调所说的话)

It was just awful seeing her so miserable. 看到她那么悲惨实在让人感到难过。

I just can’ t believe what’ s happened. 我简直不敢相信所发生的事。

Just exactly what do these lines represent? 这些线条究竟表示什么?

4b used for emphasis when you are telling someone to do something 就,且请(在告诉某人做某事时表示强调)

Now, just calm down and tell me what the trouble is. 现在,请镇静下来告诉我有什么麻烦。

Just look at that dress she’ s wearing! 瞧瞧她穿的那条连衣裙!

5 when sth almost does not happen
5a used for saying that although something happens, it almost does not happen 勉强地;差一点就不

The four girls just managed to squeeze into the back of Rick’ s car. 那4个女孩勉强挤进了里克的汽车后座。

We should just get there in time if we hurry. 我们如果赶快的话,差不多能及时到那儿。

only just (=by a very small amount) He did pass his final exam - but only just. 勉强地;刚刚

5b enough but no more than that 勉强够

She had just enough money to pay for her bus ticket. 她的钱勉强够付公共汽车票钱。

5c used for saying that although something is not at all likely to happen , it is possible 可能做某事;也许能做某事

If he was lucky, he might just be able to escape. 如果运气好的话,他也许能逃脱。

6 spoken   used in requests
used for making a request more polite 请(用来使请求更礼貌些)

Could I just borrow your pen for a second? 我能借一下你的钢笔吗?

-   aren’ t they just?/doesn’ t he/she just? spoken
used for emphasizing that you completely agree with what someone has just said , especially a criticism

‘That man loves the sound of his own voice’ . ‘Doesn’ t he just?’ “那个男人很喜欢自己的嗓音。”“可不是嘛!”

-   could/might just as well do sth spoken
used for saying that one action or situation is as good or as possible as another

The traffic is so bad, we might just as well walk. 交通那么糟糕,我们不妨走路吧。

-   it/that is just as well spoken
1 used for saying that a situation or result is good , even though it is not what you planned or expected 这样/那样也好

We cancelled the trip, which was just as well, because it rained. 我们取消了旅行,这样也好,因为下雨了。

2 used for saying that something is a sensible thing to do 不如

It would be just as well to check that they’ ve arrived. 不如核查一下他们是否已经到达。

-   it’ s just that... spoken
used when you are explaining your reaction to something

I do believe you. It’ s just that I’ m a bit surprised. 我确实相信你,只是有点惊讶。

-   just about
very nearly

I think we’ ve just about finished. 我想我们差不多就要完成了。

just about the worst/first/only etc Another scandal would be just about the worst thing that could happen. 再来一个丑闻差不多就是能发生的最糟糕的事了。

-   just a minute/moment/second spoken
1 used for asking someone to wait for a short time 请稍等一下

Just a moment. We’ re not ready for you yet. 请稍等一下,我们还没有为你准备好呢。

2 used when interrupting someone , especially when you disagree with what they are saying 等一下(用于打断某人,尤指表示不赞同对方说的话时)

Just a minute. You can’ t make accusations like that. 等一下,你不能那样指责人。

-   just as...(as)
used for emphasizing that something is equally large , good , bad etc

Less expensive machines are just as good or even better. 便宜些的机器也一样好,甚至还更好。

Animals feel pain just as much as we do. 动物和我们一样也会感觉到疼痛。

-   just because... mainly spoken
used for saying that even if one thing is true , this is not a reason for thinking that something else is true

Just because he’ s rich, it doesn’ t mean he’ s better than us. 尽管他很富有,但这并不意味着他就比我们强。

-   just behind/above/below etc
in a position very close to someone or something

I was standing just behind her when she fainted. 她晕过去的时候,我正好站在她后面。

-   just like that mainly spoken
used for emphasizing that something happens very quickly or easily

I should be able to get a job just like that. 我应该能很快找到一份工作。

You’ d sell the car? Just like that? 你要把那辆汽车卖掉?就那么轻而易举吗?

-   just so
1 used for saying that everything is arranged in a tidy way 井井有条的;干净整齐的

When Betty comes to stay, everything has to be just so. 等贝蒂到这里住时,一切都要干净整齐。

2 BRITISH  formal   used for telling someone that what they have just said is true 对极了;正如你所说;所言极是
-   not just any...
used for emphasizing that you are referring to someone or something that is special and important

He’ s not just any doctor – he’ s a head surgeon. 他并不只是普通的医生,他是外科主任

See also




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