

单词 impossible
impossible ★★★
1 if something is impossible , no one can do it or it cannot happen (事情)办不到的,不可能的

We were faced with an impossible task. 我们面对的是一个无法完成的任务。

it is impossible to do sth It would be impossible to gather this information without using computers. 不用计算机就没法收集这种信息。

1a extremely difficult to do or to deal with 极难做的;极难应付的

The job makes impossible demands on your patience. 这份工作要求你极其耐心。

be impossible to do sth This book is impossible to read without crying. 读这本书不可能不落泪。

make sth impossible Dealing with her illness makes life pretty impossible for the rest of the family. 给她治病让家里其他人的生活变得非常艰难。

2 someone who is impossible behaves in a way that is unreasonable and annoying (人)不能忍受的,非常讨厌的,不可理喻的

Young children are impossible at times. 小孩子有时是不可理喻的。

-   the impossible
something that is impossible or very difficult to do

They’ re asking the impossible. 他们在要求难以做到的事。

do/perform the impossible We’ re hoping to do the impossible and actually finish the work on time. 我们希望能超常发挥,按时完成工作。

  Words frequently used with impossible
  impossible 的常见搭配词
  adverbs   absolutely, all but, almost, nearly, practically, quite, seemingly, totally, utterly, virtually, well-nigh,




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