a situation in which the police arrest someone that they believe has committed a crime 逮捕;拘捕 | International cooperation led to the arrest of three suspects. 国际合作促成了3个嫌疑犯的落网。 |
| After a third arrest for drunk driving, she lost her licence. 她因酒后驾车3次被拘而被吊销了驾照。 |
| One of the women is suing for wrongful arrest (=having been arrested illegally) . 其中的一位女子为受非法拘捕而提出诉讼。 |
| under arrest Six men are under arrest in connection with the drug smuggling operation. 6人因涉嫌毒品走私而被捕。 |
| make an arrest We hope to make an arrest in the near future. 我们希望在不久的将来展开拘捕行动。 |