

单词 observe
observe ★★★
VERB  T   
1 formal   to notice someone doing something or something happening 看到;注意到;察觉到

Similar trends may be observed in most modern societies. 在大多数现代社会里都可以看到类似的趋势。

+that James had already observed that she was not listening. 詹姆斯已经注意到她没有在听。

observe sb/sth doing sth I observed him putting the watch into his pocket. 我看到他把手表放进口袋里。

1a to watch or study someone or something with care and attention in order to discover something 观察;观测;监视

All evening Jane observed his behaviour closely. 简整晚都在密切注视着他的一举一动。

observe sb/sth doing sth We observed 120 women interacting with their babies and compared them with 120 men. 我们观察了120名妇女与她们的婴儿之间的交流,并把她们与120名男子作了比较。

2 to accept and obey something such as a rule or an agreement 遵守;奉行

The proper procedures must be strictly observed. 必须严格遵守正确的步骤。

Rebel forces say they will no longer observe the peace agreement. 叛军宣称他们将不再遵守和平协议。

2a to accept and perform the customs connected with a particular day , festival , or event (按传统习惯)过,庆祝,纪念(节日、事件等)

Russians observed a day of mourning for the victims. 俄罗斯人为死难者举哀一天。

a nationally observed holiday 全国性的节假日

2b to be silent for a particular time in order to show your respect for someone or something 默哀

A minute’ s silence was observed in his memory. 为他默哀一分钟。

3 formal   to make a written or spoken comment about someone or something 评述;评论;说

‘You always arrive at the right time,’ he observed drily. “你总是来得这么巧。”他冷冰冰地说道。

+that In his book he observes that the President was an able diplomat. 在书中他评述说总统是个外交能手。

  Words frequently used with observe
  observe 的常见搭配词
  adverbs   drily, justly, perceptively, rightly, shrewdly, tartly,




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