

单词 immediately
immediately ★★★
  Immediately can be used in the following ways:
Immediately 有以下用法
  as an adverb (with a verb)用作副词(与动词连用): I immediately recognized his voice. 我立刻辨别出了他的声音。( (followed by a preposition or another adverb后接介词或另一副词): She’ s the woman who was standing immediately next to me. 她就是那个紧挨我站着的女子。 Our team scored another goal almost immediately afterwards. 我们队几乎是紧接着又进了一球。( (followed by an adjective后接形容词): It was immediately obvious that there was some kind of problem. 情况一下子明朗了:这里存在某种问题。
  as a conjunction (connecting two clauses) in British English在英国英语中用作连词(连接两个分句): I’ ll phone you immediately I hear any news. 我一听到消息就会给你打电话。
1 without delay
1a very quickly and without delay 立刻;马上;当即

She decided to leave immediately. 她决定马上离开。

I did not immediately realize how serious the situation was. 我当时没有立刻意识到事态的严重性。

It was immediately apparent that something unpleasant had happened. 情况一下子就清楚了,即发生了什么不愉快的事。

1b used for showing that something happens just after something else , with no pause or delay 紧接着;一…就…

Immediately he saw her, he fell in love with her. 他一见到她就爱上了她。

The press will be informed immediately the election result is known. 选举结果一出来,新闻界就会得到通知。

2 just before or just after an event 就在…(之前或之后)

She was with Roosevelt immediately before his death. 就在罗斯福去世的前一刻,她还在他身边。

immediately upon (=just after) He joined the army immediately upon leaving school. 在…后立即;一…就…

3 with no one or nothing between 紧挨着

We could hear noises coming from the room immediately below us. 我们能听到紧挨着我们的楼下房间传来的嘈杂声。

Jenny’ s parents were sitting immediately in front of us. 珍妮的父母紧挨着坐在我们前面。

4 most directly 径直地;直接地

those officers who had been immediately involved in the investigation 那些直接参与调查的官员

the areas immediately affected by the storms 遭到暴风雨直接袭击的地区





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