

单词 argue
argue ★★★
1  I  if people argue , they speak to each other in an angry way because they disagree 争论;争执;争吵

Those girls are always arguing! 那些女孩老是在争吵!

+with Don’ t argue with me – you know I’ m right. 别跟我争辩,你知道我是对的。

+about/over We used to argue over who should drive. 我们以前常为谁应该开车而争执。

1a  I/T  to discuss something with someone who has a different opinion from you 争论;辩论

The programme gives people a chance to argue their ideas. 这个项目给了人们一个为自己的想法展开辩论的机会。

+about/over They are still arguing over the details of the contract. 他们还在为合同的细节争执不下。

2  I/T  to give reasons why you believe that something is right or true 论证;主张;说理

Successful economies, she argues, are those with the lowest taxes. 她主张成功的经济体系应该是税收最少的。

+for/against Woolf’ s report argued for an improvement in prison conditions. 伍尔夫的报道主张改善监狱条件。

+that Ruben opposed the new road, arguing that it wasn’ t worth spending $25 million to cut seven minutes off drivers’ journey times. 鲁本反对修筑新路,他坚持说花2500万美元减少司机7分钟的行车时间是不值得的。

-   argue sb into/out of (doing) sth BRITISH
to persuade someone to donot to do something

I’ ve managed to argue him out of going to the match. 我成功说服他不要去看比赛。

-   can’ t argue with sth spoken
used for emphasizing that something is clearly true and no one could disagree with it

His record as coach is impressive – you can’ t argue with that. 他的执教记录很出色,这点无可争议。

  Words frequently used with argue
  argue 的常见搭配词
  adverbs   consistently, convincingly, forcefully, passionately, persuasively, plausibly, strongly,
See also
toss 2




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