

单词 highlight
highlight 1 ★★
VERB  T   
1 to report or describe something in a way that makes people notice it and think about it 使突出;使强调;使注意力集中于

The case highlights the need for adequate controls on such experiments. 这一事例吸引人们关注对这类试验实施适当控制的必要性。

highlight a problem/danger/difficulty The incident has served to highlight the problems of urban deprivation. 这一事件足以使城市贫困问题更加凸显出来。

highlight sb’ s plight (=make people realize that someone is in a very bad situation) a campaign aimed at highlighting the plight of Rio’ s street children 使意识到某人所处的糟糕境地

2 to make something easier to see or notice 突出

Using contrasting colours will highlight the shape and dimensions of your room. 用对比色会突出你房间的形状与大小。

3 to mark words on paper with a highlighter (用荧光笔)标出
3a to mark a word , picture , file etc on a computer screen , usually before changing it or copying it (修改或复制前在电脑屏幕上将词语、图片、文件等)突出显示,选中
4 to make parts of your hair a lighter colour by putting a chemical substance on them (用化学物质)把(部分头发)染成浅色,挑染
  Words frequently used with highlight
  highlight 的常见搭配词
  nouns   danger, difference, difficulty, fact, importance, issue, need, plight, problem, weakness,




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